Unanonymous Confessions

39 2 9

On the old threads I remember someone talking about being wattpad stalked. I think they were finding stuffed toys in odd places in their garden and other stuff.
I must confess that I wonder if they ever got to the bottom of it.
I think cars were stalking them too.
Id love to know if it were paranoia or something more sinister. I also hope they are alive and well.


I've helped the juniors in picking up the playlists for their farewell party yet I'm not attending *Thuglife*


Because I am the only senior in my high school,
tomorrow I have a presentation in front of four classes, two teachers and the principles


today was fun and weird, I stuttered and forgot some definitions in my presentation but people seem to like it, and the teacher gave me ice cream which was good
oh and my friend drew a dream catcher by henna in my wrist


I went to bowling arcade yesterday in a school picnic and had so much fun, although I didn't score in total 13, I sang Disney songs on the road, danced and the teachers allowed us to order from Krispy cream (Reese's donuts are the best)

Who would've thought that the senior year will have perks?!


I confess that my hatred for a lot of people is finally fading away~



I know the person who made that confession. I was the driver in said accident
*spoiler* my first thought was 'I should take my foot off the gas now' *spoiler*



It's a quote I read and I find it amusing
{No credits to me at all}

S(HE) Be(Lie)ve(D)


#UnanonymousConfessions 29:
Sorry for the delay in confessions XD
I was really busy the last few weeks and didn't come to wattpad

-ME (LaughingMan109


UNANONYMOUS CONFESSON NO. laughingman109 you count

I have an English exam that's making me feel uneasy, I sense that I have lost my ability to speak English or write formally for it, Help!


I did lose my virginity tho.. *spoiler* CENSORED


(Note: The 'CENSORED' in the above confession was not put by me, it is part of the confession.)

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