Top 10 (401 - 500)

44 3 0

And the top 10 are~

#AnonymousConfessions 409:
when i was in 5th grade i noticed a girl copying all my answers in a timed multiplication. so i started writing 0 for all my answers and when she wasn't looking i changed them to correct ones. The teacher could not believe she wrote 0 for all her answers and made a spectacle out of her
-Little one

#AnonymousConfessions 412:
I spent a night with, uh, SOMEBODY who MAY have been my boyfriend... and unbeknownst to everyone we knew... uhhhh we may have done SOMETHING... it might have included his bed... it JUST MAY have been really nice... IT MIGHT JUST BE VERY EMBARRASSING TO TALK ABOUT!!! and don't worry he was really nice, super gentle, and we used protection:P And I'm dead. Bye. runs away

#AnonymousConfessions 433:
@LaughingMan109 where is the book 2!!?? come online ..come online ..come online... come online!!!!post more confessions.. post more confessions... post more confessionsss!!! (sorry if i disturbed u .. 🤦‍♀️ :face palms: I keep forgetting people have real life too(although wattpad is better in my opinion) ) !!!

I walk like a duck in heels😂😂😅.....but that doesn't stop me from wearing my boots😍


#AnonymousConfessions 437:
I now have a daddy and spend my afternoons sexting him. He wants to fuck me in the pussy, and I use my skills in writing Erotica to dirty talk him. I want to swallow his cum, but we haven't met up yet

#AnonymousConfessions 446:
So on the last day in my final year of high school we had to sign each other's books and shirts. #britishstudent

In my crush's book I wrote "Good luck in the future. I'll miss our banters! Love *****"

Thank God, I'm ambidextrous (I'm left and right handed) because on the last page of the book I wrote:

"I wish you were mine..."

#AnonymousConfessions 451:
There this user that complains on and on about any one under 40 especially the generation now and the ones born in the 1980's or 1990's about how lazy and stupid we are and I'm just like" um I'm sure someone more elder than you had said the same thing about your generation"

#AnonymousConfessions 462:
I just found out one of my friends is into girls and now I think I might be developing a crush on her...we cuddle all the time, and she does stuff like pat my head and poke my cheeks and we have these "fights" where we argue about who's cuter...I almost don't want to have feelings for her because she's one of my friends but we're not super close yet so I guess it would be ok if it turned into something? I'm just a bit of a mess because she's adorable and tons of fun to be around

#AnonymousConfessions 465:
I bet laughingman is an evil Ai who intends to make us addicted to this thread and then invade our countries


#AnonymousConfessions 474:
This one chick in my school (referencing #473) was bullying my brother and mean to almost everyone else. Knowing me, whatever happened to my brother effected me heavily. She was making fun of autistic kids one day when I launched at her, and if it weren't for my brother, I would've ended up suspended with her.

#AnonymousConfessions 482:

I have a daily diary +the daily diaries of past 5 years,a dream journal,a memory diary(to write down special events which had happened in my life),a sticker book,a tattoo diary(I have put all the temporary sticker tattoos I had in it),a venting diary/emotion diary,a doodle diary and ...yeah that's it...

i have all case I lose my memory or something... lol! I value memories way to much!! I never want to forget anything it bad or good ...

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