851 - 860

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#AnonymousConfessions 851:Saw a lack of confessions and figured why not?This is Update #2-3 (I don't remember what I left off on...)Anyways, the guy I mentioned in class, who I was afraid to talk to: We've been talking a lot more in class, having snippets of conversations. So that's going good-- it's interesting talking to him, hearing what he has to say and also that he has an interest in what I say. Or maybe I'm misreading that last part, not sure.Something happened yesterday though. I found out he had a girlfriend, or at least an ex he wanted to win back. I didn't think I'd care, but I felt a bit... I don't know how to put it into words. But I'm kind of over it anyway. because it's not like he'd ever have an interest with me. It sort of sobered me and made me more realistic. We're semi-friends now and I'm pretty satisfied with that. :)Also, don't abolish the confessions! Come on guys, let's keep this going!

#AnonymousConfessions 852:
I am so bad at badminton and tennis that whenever we play it in PE my assigned partner is always the wall.

#AnonymousConfessions 853:
So I was helping catch a wild kitten and it climbed a tree and I went up after it, forgetting to grab the towel as I went up, so when I was in reaching distance I decide to just grab the ruff of her neck and climb down. Because when you grab the ruff right they kinda curl up and don't move. but unfortunately I missed and got her a little lower then intended and she started clawing my hand. I tried to adjust my grip but she bit my finger and she got really confused because her tooth got stuck for a moment and when her tooth was free I was a little shocked and dropped her and she fell out of the tree . She was okay though.

#AnonymousConfessions 854:
So there was that girl who used to be my best in the middle school, but then we changed schools and stopped talking to each other and I doubted that we will meet again.
Anyways, now we're seniors in high school and after 5 freakin' years. I found her texting on my mom's phone telling her that she wanted to call me urgently because she missed our friendship.
I was on cloud 9 that she remembered me after all those years but then I found out that she was just using me to know how my educational system was working because she wanted to shift schools and it's making me self-loathed and depressed.
Like why didn't she just get straight to the damn point and tell me that she wanted to ask about the school, not that she want to meet me or something.

#AnonymousConfessions 855:
So awhile ago I was in a major car crash, no major injuries thankfully. but my first though was neither "I'm alive" or " is everything/everyone okay". it was " awww now we are going to be late for work" and " where is my Hot Chocolate"
no cares for the fact that we nearly died, I didn't even wonder where my glasses were.

#AnonymousConfessions 856:
so this is more of a question then a confession but I tend to pick at my scabs because they feel different from the rest of my skin and the texture difference is interesting and I find myself rubbing them and then eventually picking them.
my friends say that its self harm.
I always find myself counting it closer to scratching bug bites then self harm what do you guys think?

#AnonymousConfessions 857:
I'm so sorry for being so pathetic. I'm so sorry that I'm human and I can't be happy all of the time. I'm so sorry I get overwhelmed easily and can't be around crowds. I'm so sorry I had another panic attack. I never asked for you to help me because I thought I could handle it on my own. I was afraid of bothering you or that you would only laugh at me for being so weak. Yet, you helped me without a single hesitation. You sat with me on the couch as I cried from that terrible panic attack and as I tried to explain everything. You didn't understand, but you still stayed with me and tried to comfort me. I know it's stupid, but thank you for singing that song. You didn't know it, but that was my Daddy's favorite song and used to sing it to me all the time before things changed. Thank you for telling me dirty jokes until I laughed again. Thank you for hugging me, I hadn't realized how much I needed it. Thank you for telling me where I could go for help. Thank you for being friends with me even though I don't deserve it. But most of all, thank you for making me feel human again.

#AnonymousConfessions 858:
Phase 3~
Why is it never enough? Why? What am I doing wrong? It doesn't matter that I'm at the top of my class. It doesn't matter that I'm juggling a job and now extra hospital work soon. It doesn't matter that I have skills that I've mastered in other areas of my life, because I worked hard. Working hard is never enough. Mastering skills is never enough. Being me is never enough. So, Mom, Dad, I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you. I'm sorry that you had to yell at me for not being a good enough child. I want to make you proud, but I can't. I will never be who you want me to be. But you know what? I hate myself more than anything you could say about me. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not worth trying.
Yours truly,

#AnonymousConfessions 859:
Kiki means getting together and gossiping in drag language. I was thinking of names and it just came to me. I don't like the Drake song because, people were obsessively playing it and making videos with the car. I felt it was stupid and dangerous. These days, any crap goes viral.

#AnonymousConfessions 860:
I have a close best friend of mine, he's younger than me by 3 and a half years, he's kind of dramatic at times and takes things why too seriously, especially considering he's in high school and nothing last in high school. But that's not the point of this (right now at least).

He's been bullied about being gay since middle school- it's been pretty severe- and he still kind of gets called gay from time to time now. It makes me sad, but I can kind of see where it comes from (not that it makes it right). He does have a lot of gay, effeminate tendencies, but I know he's not gay because he tells me he's not and I believe my friend.

But last week when I was helping out with the kid's group we work with, one of the girls I'm close with asked me if he was gay (when he walked outside for a little). She was kind of embarrassed to ask it and so I played it cool when I answered her that he wasn't. I don't know, it just made me kind of sad and conflicted because I still feel like he might be...it's complicated

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