601 - 610

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#AnonymousConfessions 601:
I love dancing sooooo much but I don't have money to go to dance classes so I teach myself. Sometimes (most of the time) it's really frustrating because I can't always get my limbs to move the way I want them, but practice makes perfect! Nobody even knows how much I practice or even that I dance.
-Y.O. Girl

#AnonymousConfessions 602:
Since today's topic is 'stalking'...
i used to accept any friend request i got on fb...so once a guy started texti ngme...he was a stranger so i didn't reply...after a while he sent inappropriate texts and asked me to be his gf...I blocked him... incident 2 ...recently a weird older guy just randomly texted me hi and gave me his number asking me to call him...then he started video calling me(i obviously didn't pick up!)...O.O i freaked out...blocked him...and unfriended ALL the strangers on my account!!


#AnonymousConfessions 603:
 hmmm i think the more one tries to convince someone the more the other doubts them...


#AnonymousConfessions 604:
I am realllly Curious about Strawberries...Why are its seeds on the outside...??Is it a dispersal thing or nutritive thing or attractive thing or something else...???

p.s. I miss u...

#AnonymousConfessions 605:
I don't like having crushes...so when I do develop a crush I force myself to get over him!! sometimes i succeed...sometimes I get supper annoyed at myself for not geetting over them and what do I do...??? I vent it out in my diary ~_~


#AnonymousConfessions 606:

I get urges to run away...but i don't run away...so what i do instead is play hide n seek with my family...I just hide(just sit quietly) in some (hiding type corner)place in my house where no one can see me(each time differnt location)...when they try to look for me I remain supper quiet and when they give up I secretly just go to my room and sit and tell them I was there all along with my earphones on so probably didn't hear them...I have done this so many times...they don't look for me anymore(not that I blame them...Even I would get annoyed if I had a kid like me! XD)  

#AnonymousConfessions 607:

I always wish that I would have been born in the past...in the 1800s or even older times...the aztec, egyptians,or roman time would have been great...Is there a genie in this thread...???

#AnonymousConfessions 608:
I feeelll TRAPPed IN MY TIME!!!

I think my mind belong to the 1800s...my heart wants to go to ancient egypt and my soul wants to go to the lost empire of Atlantis!!!

#AnonymousConfessions 609:

I loVe OrAnGeS!!!(not the color though...I like green...and purple...)

#AnonymousConfessions 610:
I don't know many things...It bothers me!!!

the unanswered questions keep me up till late nights!!!  

Confessions Anonymous 2Where stories live. Discover now