401 - 410

50 2 9

#AnonymousConfessions 401:
I hate how people here are a simpleton. Can't blame them though, since most of them are girls. But it's irritating to know that some quality stories are left out because of a story with a handsome guy in it or a story about a broken heart. Cliches! Those stories are cliches! Are you not tired of it?

#AnonymousConfessions 402:
This isn't a confession...
So you know that boy I told you about? My family is going down to visit again and I'm not sure how to act. I especially don't what's going through his parents' head or what to say to them/around them. Am I overthinking this?


#AnonymousConfessions 403:

i read the conversations...shipping @LaughingMan109 and laughingman12 sounds funny!! cuz they are the same person(although they claim otherwise..) >.> <.> <.<


#AnonymousConfessions 404:
My sister fucking pisses me off. And I don't know if I'm over reacting. She's rude and always cross.
Seems the think that the world is out to get her and expects my entire family to be nice to her when she treats us like crap. She steals my stuff (money, clothes, computer, phones anything she can her hands on) she kickes my dogs and threw my turtle across the room. Flipped my mother off then proceeded to try to beat me up. Whenever we point out how uncomfortable she makes us feel she just sits there muttering and glaring at us. If she's at the dinner table she fingers the knifes. It's constant all this arguing and it's been going on for the last 12 years. My parents just yelling and she remains silent. Then she starts twitching and screaming out of nowhere. We are the monsters, we all hate her, we deserve to die. I like growing things. She knows that I love my plants. Once she got so angry that she ripped then all up. 4 years love and care gone in an instant. She tears up my homework, smashes her things. Fights with her friends and manipulated everyone around her. All that kind of stuff and these are a few examples. She's also a compulsive liar. She lies 24/7. She keeps telling us that we said things that we did not. She steals my writing and passes it off as her own. She hides things in my bag and claims that it's mine. Then she accuses us of being mean. Yes mean. All she does is say fuck you whenever we try to speak to her. When we don't (because we are tired) she then says that we are ignoring her. There are not normal conversations with her. I'm kind of sick of it. Some times I wish we could send her away. But that's just mean right? Am I being over the top when I say she annoys me? I know it's not a question thing. But still. It's nice to get it out. So thank you.

#AnonymousConfessions 405:

I'm using my neighbor's WiFi to troll. Very lol.

#AnonymousConfessions 406:

I spend about 40 hours a week on the internet the rest of the time I watch documentaries on Netflix and sleep. but you know what I really want? A job or friends whichever really...

#AnonymousConfessions 407:

curiosity is eating dog food just to see how it tastes

#AnonymousConfessions 408:
The only reason i brought my friend to a haunted house with me is so that i can punch her face without her realizing it was me


#AnonymousConfessions 409:
when i was in 5th grade i noticed a girl copying all my answers in a timed multiplication. so i started writing 0 for all my answers and when she wasn't looking i changed them to correct ones. The teacher could not believe she wrote 0 for all her answers and made a spectacle out of her

-Little one

#AnonymousConfessions 410:

I once got punched in the face and started bleeding -diskord  

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