741 - 750

22 1 2

#AnonymousConfessions 741:

I have the worst taste ever. I have a crush on the kid with no friends.

#AnonymousConfessions 742:
Sometimes I really hate myself

#AnonymousConfessions 743:
I was kind of grossed out after my first kiss.

#AnonymousConfessions 744:
I might be autistic, but I don't want my parents to get me checked because they might look at me a bit differently and treat me differently. They're not mean, they probably just wouldn't know what to do if I ever got mad or sad and talk to me like I'm a baby.

#AnonymousConfessions 745:
If i could hear from you just one more time... If i could only know your reasons. You never really said why. I'm still confused and kind of hurt but it's your life and I've got no control over it. I really hope that you're happy though

AnonymousConfessions 746:
Comments like that make me want to kill myself. I am not like that but I know you think I am.

AnonymousConfessions 747:
It is difficult to make new friends.

AnonymousConfessions 748:
I had a dream about LaughingMan...

#AnonymousConfeesions 749:
Lol @laughingman what the hell was that song? XD

#AnonymousConfessions 750:
no! in dreams we see people we have already encountered irl...(idk if it's true or not but i read in a dream site...)and i didn't dream like saw u...In that dream i got a flash back kinda dream...u were in a beehive cave thing in your early years...some creatures attacked and you got shrinked...your heart was used by a pair of twins...you were the good twin...your evil twin was,evil...oh and inn the dream i read a newspaper article about you...(idk how I "read" it since people can't read/ tell time in dreams...again i read this fact in some site...)

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