TOP 10 (801 - 900)

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#AnonymousConfessions 826:

I actually haven't watched most of the TV shows and movies I talk about, I just read the plot summaries and opinion articles and form my own opinion based on those.

#AnonymousConfessions 832:Sometimes I just want to talk someone on the internet and pretend to be someone else. Long hours of studying in the same room days at the end can be overwhelming sometimes.😞

#AnonymousConfessions 852:
I am so bad at badminton and tennis that whenever we play it in PE my assigned partner is always the wall.

#AnonymousConfessions 853:
So I was helping catch a wild kitten and it climbed a tree and I went up after it, forgetting to grab the towel as I went up, so when I was in reaching distance I decide to just grab the ruff of her neck and climb down. Because when you grab the ruff right they kinda curl up and don't move. but unfortunately I missed and got her a little lower then intended and she started clawing my hand. I tried to adjust my grip but she bit my finger and she got really confused because her tooth got stuck for a moment and when her tooth was free I was a little shocked and dropped her and she fell out of the tree . She was okay though.

#AnonymousConfessions 855:
So awhile ago I was in a major car crash, no major injuries thankfully. but my first though was neither "I'm alive" or " is everything/everyone okay". it was " awww now we are going to be late for work" and " where is my Hot Chocolate"
no cares for the fact that we nearly died, I didn't even wonder where my glasses were.

#AnonymousConfessions 869:7~ A EulogyI used to have a little sister. She was the sweetest little girl (and yes, sweet, she had a terrible sweet tooth)XD I lost this little girl to Death on March 11. So it's still raw for me. She would have been 13 this year. When she was younger, the way she'd ask such unexpected and surprisingly deep questions out of nowhere, how she'd try to imitate my style (my parents were horrified)XD, and how she was the only one who would fangirl over Hizaki with me(the rest of my family is like NOOOPPEEE). Her: Who is that? Me: That's Hizaki! Her: *scrutinizes his face**brow furls in confusion* a GUYYYY???? I had no idea a guy could look so good with makeup on. Me: Yes, sweetie, you got it! XD

I try to only remember the beautiful memories of her, the ones that make me smile

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I try to only remember the beautiful memories of her, the ones that make me smile. Not the ones where she was suffering in her last days. No 9 year old girl should have to bear that kind of pain. No one should. It was actually she that caused me to wish to pursue a career in the medical field. For that, I can only be grateful, but I wish that she were still here with me, as any sister would. The fact that I could only look on in horror and be unable to do anything to save her... I don't even want to think about that. But a tribute to her memory<3 Honey, I still love you, even though I can't be with you anymore.

#AnonymousConfessions 883:
I love the name Anakin a lot !!
i want to name my future non existent kid that...
I just hope he doesn't grows to be darth vader...

#AnonymousConfessions 886:
I got a really powerful electric shock on my leg from some exposed live wires and all my pubic hair fell out.

#AnonymousConfessions 889:
Once when I was young I played with a piece of poop for about 20 minutes... poking it

#AnonymousConfessions 892:
I was dared once to by my best friend to stand in the center of the street we are living in at 2 am and shout as loud as I could saying I am crazy, and my crush was there

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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