TOP 10 (301 - 400)

54 3 4

#AnonymousConfessions 314:

When I was seven years old I stole a colour pencil from my friend as I didn't have that colour and pretended as if it got lost.

#AnonymousConfessions 317:
in reference to #AnonymousConfessions 310 I first read it as was babies instead of barbies...i was shocked and disturbed...i re read it and laughed at me...

#AnonymousConfessions 318:
How to become a famous writer:
step1. join wattpad
step2. write a book
step3. put your credit card and bank info in the 1st page

#AnonymousConfessions 319:
in elementary school...i was stupid. in a test, there was a question: fill in the letters to form a word OR_N_E (the answer is orange btw if u couldn't guess)So... I didn't know the answer and guess what I did...I went and asked my teacher for the answer *facepalms * she told me sweetly to try ...I still couldn't get I asked my friend next...she too didn't know that ...but she went somewhere and somehow got the answer and told me it was 'orange'...I thanked her...but still, there was another problem ...I didn't know the spelling of orange...Then using my super intelligence I took out my color crayon and saw the spelling carved in the orange crayon and wrote it...  

#AnonymousConfessions 324:

Once when I was little, my brother made me really mad so I punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. (As the younger sister, I didn't think I'd even hurt him...) But then he laid in bed for the rest of the day complaining about his stomach hurt. I told my mom he probably just had the stomach flu.

#AnonymousConfessions 354:
I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I'm basically crying almost everyday because I'm wounded somewhere inside of me. My family doesn't know what I'm dealing with, my friends doesn't know what I'm dealing with, heck I don't even know what I'm dealing with. But, I know the fact that I just want an exit button. I cant, though. I feel like I've dug myself a huge hole and I can't escape it. My head is a huge wreck right now. I'm writing this with my signature in it, hoping a few of my close friends would forgive me for being so distant and sad. I just don't know what to do anymore.

#AnonymousConfessions 367:
Never assume you are alone in the toilet 

#AnonymousConfessions 380:
When i was 9 i took a dump on my neighbor's garden and blamed it on my brother

#AnonymousConfessions 385:
One time when I was six, I stuck the end of a plugged in electrical cord in my mouth to see what would happen. I was shocked.

#AnonymousConfessions 399:

I'm glad that I could approach my crush on the last day of school. It wasn't anything special, we clicked a picture and actually, he came to me(what?). I wrote two lines for him(which I so messed up lol) and he, for me which were kinda honest :slight_smile: and I can't stop smiling whenever I remember the last line -'We made some memories'. Yes, we did, good ones too :). I would have loved to know you better, as a friend maybe. This is so uncharacteristic of me but I guess that's the point of these anonymous confessions. And now that I think about it, I should have written an anonymous 'you are my crush' too, just for the fun of it xD 

***This time the forum hearts had a major contribution in deciding the TOP 10, as the Book wasn't released!***

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