TOP 10 (701 - 800)

22 1 0

#AnonymousConfessions 719:
#1631: LOL Don't worry you got time but as for me being 27 years old virgin and haven't even had DATE YET... consider yourself lucky.
Not sure how it's for women though

#AnonymousConfessions 723:
I'm eating chocolate alone on Valentine's Day ;-;
Happy Valentine's to all my single and ready to mingle ppl out there!

#AnonymousConfessions 728:
I brought a character in my book just to kill him

#AnonymousConfessions 732: when I'm with friends or family I speak in my native last year I went on my school was a hilly-y area and pretty place and all...after climbing we got tired...we didn't have any water left with us...we were all thirsty...i explored the place a little and found a small clean stream with like any good person I decided to tell people I found water...but being my stupid self I decided to speak in a dialect of my language and use more archaic words and tell them(I thought I was being clever,fancy and cute)... I used wrong words...verrryy wrong words...I said something along the lines "Hey,I found water! Come with your pepes and we can fill it!"... I didn't know then what I said actually meant ...and I didn't know why peple were giving me horrified expression...the teachers too looked at me weirdly...Then my friend came and told me quietly what I had said...realising what i actually said I wanted to bang my head somewhere or die in a hole somewhere!!! I don't know native slangs -_-

another time i used wrong class ...we were studying a story in my native lanuage... There was this character who had been in an accident and I was describing the character...And I kept calling the character "gay"...I thought I was describing him as "injured" but no...My teacher didn't say anything...but my friend asked why i thought he was gay...?then I realised what i said...

Moral...people, don't use words you are not sure of...

AnonymousConfessions 748:
I had a dream about LaughingMan...

#AnonymousConfeesions 749:
Lol @laughingman what the hell was that song? XD

#AnonymousConfessions 765:@Laughingman109I don't want to come forth as too persuasive though. I initiated the last 2 convos and don't want to be overbearing but O God I like him so much.

#AnonymousConfessions 773:
It's weird how I've finally adjusted to how life is now without you. I realize that you weren't even good for me in the first place. I would always get so anxious at the thought of talking to you as if i were chasing the end of the rope to safety. I thought you were my safety. My happiness. But you weren't. At the end of the day, you weren't even a friend. We just expected so much from each other. I expected you to understand and you expected me to feel the same way. Sure, i won't ever talk to anyone like I've talked to you before but maybe that's not such a loss. Everyone's different. And I'm different along with them. You and me is different from me and say, C or N. I'm happy where i am with my friends who support me and family who loves unconditionally. I'm medicated now so mentally, I've been better as well. I've been growing and learning. I know you have your own struggles, so I'm honestly just hoping you're coping through them well too. I still love you in a way. I want you to be the best you can be. Might we never see each other again, i guess it's fine. I'm finding my own way around life.

#AnonymousConfessions 786:
i heard you young adults are bored here's some entertainment!

#AnonymousConfessions 792:
One time, I got beat up by a kid named Jesus. And when you're seven, you can't tell the difference between Jesus, typical Puerto Rican name in your neighborhood, and Jesus, the actual savior. So I was walking around all confused – you know, guilty. What had I done that the Lord would send his only begotten son down to Brooklyn to kick my ass?


(Btw confessor #749 was referring to this song. I had posted it in forums~)

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