441 - 450

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#AnonymousConfessions 441:
I want to be a single mother with beautiful twins at least 1 girl.

#AnonymousConfessions 442:

I come from the Trappist E system

#AnonymousConfessions 443:
i wanted to make some weird rice balls yesterday and i was using my brother as a taste tester. i mean it started off with just rice and honey but me being smart knew that my brother hated marmite (same here tbh dont even know why it was in the house) annddd i just put it under the rice so he wouldnt see it. long story short he almost threw up and i did feel sick and bad for him cause, marmite, duh.

p.s we did go with the fruit and honey rice balls with coconut malk but he doesnt trust me to make any for him xD i know right, shocker.

#AnonymousConfessions 444:


There are certain users *cough* @SomeoneSpicy *cough* that are manipulating users to follow them for a face reveal.

I mean, seriously?

What are you, 5?


#AnonymousConfessions 445:
@LaughingMan ...I see...I thought u were referring to anon69 ...the other confessor...

#AnonymousConfessions 446:
So on the last day in my final year of high school we had to sign each other's books and shirts. #britishstudent

In my crush's book I wrote "Good luck in the future. I'll miss our banters! Love *****"

Thank God, I'm ambidextrous (I'm left and right handed) because on the last page of the book I wrote:

"I wish you were mine..."

#AnonymousConfessions 447:
Geometry is going to slowly kill me one day.


#AnonymousConfessions 448:
And if geometry doesn't kill me, all this bloody snow will. Like, I survived brothers just to die a stupid death like this...


#AnonymousConfessions 449:

I feel so fucking depressed and wish I could just end it all, but I have a fucking amazing sister that i'd do anything for, shes my everything and I wish we had a better life for her

#AnonymousConfessions 450:

I'm on holidays with a group of friends. I'm recently divorced. I'm 34 and my friends are all married. One married guy is particularly flirty with me, as his gorgeous wife is not here. I'm okay with it as I know the boundaries and am not interested. I don't want a married guy. I went to bed and then heard the three men all talking about me. They were telling the flirty guy to lay off me and how they know he wants to fuck me. He was defending himself saying he doesn't want to fuck me and the other two are challenging him on it. It was awful. I'm laid there awkwardly in my tent fighting off tears as I listen to them tell him to lay off and him defend himself from his best friends. It was an awful situation to listen to and I was so embarrassed. I made my way out of bed, quite upset, to my best friend's room. It happens that her husband, who I consider to be like my brother, was one of the guys telling off the flirty guys...the problem is, I'm quite upset by it because...don't i have a say? Who gives a fuck if flirty guy wants to fuck me? I don't want to fuck him! I have morals and I'm not interested in a married man for starters, but I'm not interested in ANYONE as I've only been divorced for less than a year – and I was married to a very controlling man and was with him for twelve years! So I don't want to be anyone at all! My best friend got up out of bed and told all the guys off, including her husband. He's now pissed at her, she's locked him out of their room and now I feel like everything is my fault. I've caused an issue between everyone and I think I should go home. I'm in New Zealand, in the Coromandel Peninsula on a well deserved and much awaited summer holiday. I've worked hard to be here but I feel like I've caused too much damage now to stay. What would you do?  



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