491 - 499

34 2 6

#AnonymousConfessions 491:

I confessed a lot and I mean a lot of things here. I won't say which cause where is the fun in that. However, I'll say this, I confessed over 10 times. Many of these ended on the top 10. Also their is no competition between me and Crazy Cat Lady lol XD *smirk* @LaughingMan109 I'll never teach any of whatever you may be thinking lol I leave that to the parents. By the way, another hint of mine is I like cards *giggles* I'm many people and yet only one person, but carry many names in these confessions. Sir, is that you? lol XD

— J

#AnonymousConfessions 492:
In college I had many recurring dreams. They were obvious manifestations of my anxiety, but also about my vivid imagination. In one I was a man, stuck in the dessert dunes where harpy phoenix like creatures lived among it. I was on a quest in search of a temple of hope. To one day find paradise. Another dream I was home, it was night and ominously quiet. Standing at the back entrance by the open door I saw a mirror like object on my pool. Walking to it I saw it a mere reflection of the water, but as I reached to it and touched, I dropped down to another world, just like Alice in wonderland. I found myself in dark world full of wild beasts that somehow could speak and were leading me to their leader. A beautiful tiger was lying on a iridescent bed full of throw pillows of silk. We looked at each and said, "what took you so long to find me?" I returned to my world and woke from my sleep. There are many more wicked dreams and some pretty horrific. Oddly I was never scared of them, merely intrigued.

— J

#AnonymousConfessions 493:
I tried anal with my boyfriend and he really liked it, but honestly, it felt like I was taking a shit in reverse.

#AnonymousConfessions 494:
I once took a bottle of water with a bit of soap. Drew a face on my sister's bedroom window when I was little and the next day she freaked out saying she saw a face on it. She asked me if I did it? I said I never go to your mom, you almost kicked me out literally. Till this day she still doesn't know lol XD

#AnonymousConfessions 495:
My cat can open doors lol

#AnonymousConfessions 496:
To the confession #488 I constantly moan, groan and talk in my sleep. Oh! I also sleep with my eyes half open lol XD

#AnonymousConfessions 497:
I don't deserve to exist on this earth.

#AnonymousConfessions 498:
I like darkness and silence...I love the night...when it is deathly quiet...

#AnonymousConfessions 499:

 InnateEcstasy u r an ammazzing guesser!! (#2751)

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