381 - 390

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#AnonymousConfessions 381:
They slept in their boxers and no way was I touching THOSE

#AnonymousConfessions 382:
Um, excuse me fake asdf, I pooped in NOBODY'S garden


#AnonymousConfessions 383:

I regret stealing small stuffs

#AnonymousConfessions 384:

I want to try very hard till my bones turn into ashes so that I feel a form of self satisfaction to get rid of the guilt for not trying hard enough when looking at my mothy eyes and saying I did try

#AnonymousConfessions 385:
One time when I was six, I stuck the end of a plugged in electrical cord in my mouth to see what would happen.
I was shocked.


#AnonymousConfessions 386:
i waiting for a confession from a person using pseudonym "zxcv"


#AnonymousConfessions 387:
Okay, so this one time, two of my brothers and I made a molotov cocktail...
That was actually pretty cool


#AnonymousConfessions 388:

I have no friends and get real lonley.

#AnonymousConfessions 389:

Not many know this, but I run my own business after I graduated from college. Worst decision of my life, I rarely receive clients anymore which has left me in a rote. I'm broke, like super broke and yes at some point business wasn't booming but it wasn't as bad as now. I earn less than 100 dollars a year and have to live with my parents, and I get so frustrated because they treat me like a child still and I'm over 25. I've applied for jobs like crazy everywhere and no one calls back which sucks. Our country has a super low employment rate, practically non-existent and the only thing helping me feel better is my writing. I've always wanted to be a writer, and recently am editing for a friend and they like how I do it. My mom knows and she said one night that maybe that's my true calling. I don't know cause it's really difficult as hell. I use to have sooo many dreams back in college but that went to dust. Real life and the real world is like walking through fire and you will get burned. I still have some slim hope, but I'm running out of it.

#AnonymousConfessions 390:
I lie to my parents. All the time. They don't know I have a private email, that I even have a wattpad. I make up lies and tell them to my friends, and my parents know lies about friends. I feel like I am below my other two friends. They're so smart, and recognized as being so. I'm just... me


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