781 - 790

16 0 0

#AnonymousConfessions 781:
So that boy I told you about a little while ago...we thought he was doing better. He seemed to have made a complete 180 (it was a little too good to be true, but I was happy and didn't want to be a naysayer.) But I just found out that he's back at it again and his parents don't seem to know...

#AnonymousConfessions 782:
It's just...what do you do? The parents have already been told once, you'd think that they'd stay on top of it. I just don't get it, and I don't know what to do. I don't even think it's my place to say anything.

#AnonymousConfessions 783:
Hey brosky, you didn't post my confession! It was right around the 777 and 778 (which were also mine). Why didn't you post it!! It was a rant btw

#AnonymousConfessions 784:
Thanks for the advice...

#AnonymousConfessions 785:
I need to confess that I may have scared the life out of a poor 18yr boy and never got to tell him sorry. Like how do you react to some random man from the military at your door threatening you to never talk to this girl again who traveled all the way to your country and found where you lived just to tell you that. The whole situation I regret T^T

#AnonymousConfessions 786:i heard you young adults are bored here's some entertainment!

#AnonymousConfessions 787:
Another thing I regret I totally pretended to be oblivious to this guys feelings for me at a camp because I didn't like him back and I was fine with being friends. Well it lasted for a while even after camp until he finally confessed and I just played a idiot about it because I didn't want to hurt him and then he never texted me back ever again. I feel bad and now when I reject a guy I'm just honest about it but I was so stupid back then T-T

#AnonymousConfessions 788:
I think I stole like 3 things from Sea-world when I was like 5 and I still have them O-O

#AnonymousConfessions 789:
°• They see me rollin' →They hatin' •°

#AnonymousConfessions 790:
Why do you have so many different identities on here? Do you really suck that much?
I think it is both sad and prickish, not to mention creepy.

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