731 - 740

23 0 2

#AnonymousConfessions 731:
Well, I am feeling shitty. Someone played me and my emotions. Like we agreed to roleplay and my oc liked her oc so we got them together... and then yesterday I found out that they had someone in the oc's life already. And today I found out they have more than 1 lover. It is fucked up. So I blocked their asses out of my life. Now I feel sad.

#AnonymousConfessions 732:
Ok...so when I'm with friends or family I speak in my native language...so last year I went on my school picnic...it was a hilly-y area and pretty place and all...after climbing we got tired...we didn't have any water left with us...we were all thirsty...i explored the place a little and found a small clean stream with water...so like any good person I decided to tell people I found water...but being my stupid self I decided to speak in a dialect of my language and use more archaic words and tell them(I thought I was being clever,fancy and cute)... I used wrong words...verrryy wrong words...I said something along the lines "Hey,I found water! Come with your pepes and we can fill it!"... I didn't know then what I said actually meant ...and I didn't know why peple were giving me horrified expression...the teachers too looked at me weirdly...Then my friend came and told me quietly what I had said...realising what i actually said I wanted to bang my head somewhere or die in a hole somewhere!!! I don't know native slangs -_-

another time i used wrong words...in class ...we were studying a story in my native lanuage... There was this character who had been in an accident and such...so I was describing the character...And I kept calling the character "gay"...I thought I was describing him as "injured" but no...My teacher didn't say anything...but my friend asked why i thought he was gay...?then I realised what i said...

Moral...people, don't use words you are not sure of...

#AnonymousConfessions 733:
I just realised i wrote pepes...that doesn't make any sense...what i said that time was,...cough pee-pee cough !!! UGHHHH
@AnonymousConfession 732
uggghh want to bang my head and still want to die in some hole thinking about what i said!!

#AnonymousConfessions 734:
in reference to #AnonymousConfessions 722
what can a person sell that has to be censored...?? drugs.?.?.?weird stuff related sex?..? guns/swords?bombs O.O? strawberries??? potatooooo chipsssssss??? WHATTT???(i feel like it's either of the first two options...)

#AnonymousConfessioms 735:
I wear adult diapers. The last time I wore one was at a laundromat where the bathroom was both locked and out of order. I had to poop so badly that I didn't even bother trying to hold it and while my clothes were in the dryer, someone smelled the mess.

And it felt great. I'm not into scat and I cleaned up as soon as I got home but wow, I'm doing that again real soon.

#AnonymousConfessions 736:
I think I have an unhealthy obsession of sexting hot guys I've stumbled upon online, within a week or so.
And then I kinda abandon them and move to the next hot prey. This is like cyber "promiscuousity".

#AnonymousConfessions 737:
Lol InnateEcstasy... i read that before you deleted the post(#3993)...

aaanndd @laughingman...what bait? smiles innocently and @chainshadow person...(#3995) why shouldn't people open my gift?!! after all I got it(AnonymousConfessions 720 #3962) for them with so much thought,care,love,affection and all those sweet stuff!!!.. smiles more innocently

#AnonymousConfessions 738:
I am into a lot of crazy kinks, nothing illegal (obviously I am horny not crazy) but I find it hard to imagine that I'll be able to find a guy who shares my level of wildness in the bedroom.
And that's kind of disappointing. 😔

#AnonymousConfessions 739:
@innate ...( # 3994)
THAT IS SOOO ACCURATE!! but he is now under cover as 'sharmaji ka beta'...

#AnonymousConfessions 740:WELCOME !! @IvoryInklings *throws confetti at you* oh and click the welcome present at #3962 (AnonymousConfessions 720) .....Greetings from the head of the LurkerSociety ......

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