502 - 510

26 1 4

#AnonymousConfessions 502:
my school called a snow day for the first time in 29 years

#AnonymousConfessions 503:
u r too cruel to keep us waiting...
am i the 500th confession?

#AnonymousConfessions 504:
I have three first names and eight last names. My grandfather gave me my third name after his mother and I hope to one day give it to my child. If I ever have one.

#AnonymousConfessions 505:
RyotaFujikawa wow that's reallly goood!!(#2787)


#AnonymousConfessions 506:
laughingMan109 plz put me out of my misery and just post the 5ooth confession!
u don't have to post this...this isn't a confession...I just telling u !!!


#AnonymousConfessions 507:
RyotaFujikawa is ur uniform like the ones in anime!!! I loove those!!! 😍😍


#AnonymousConfessions 508:
Once I had an ex who told me he had a nightmare about me getting attacked by squirrels.

-.- Guess who's afraid of squirrels now?

#AnonymousConfessions 509:
I have no friends and don't know how to make any

#AnonymousConfessions 510:

@laughingman109 Do you feel depressed or sad? A lot of people share their feelings and struggles on these confessions, but you don't. You keep saying you're an AI and making jokes, but I wonder if that's how you truly are in real life, or you have your own battles that you fight. I'm sure this confession will also be met by a casual comment, but I'd like to know how things are for you. Not just you, the other men out there too, who choose to keep their feelings to themselves.

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