431 - 440

31 1 6

#AnonymousConfessions 431:
I'm from wattpad ...just choosing the different option to see what happens...

#AnonymousConfessions 432:

  A "KID" loves to take his sweet time looking at girls underwear. 

#AnonymousConfessions 433:

@LaughingMan109 where is the book 2!!?? come online ..come online ..come online... come online!!!!post more confessions.. post more confessions... post more confessionsss!!! (sorry if i disturbed u .. 🤦‍♀️ :face palms: I keep forgetting people have real life too(although wattpad is better in my opinion) ) !!!

I walk like a duck in heels😂😂😅.....but that doesn't stop me from wearing my boots😍



#AnonymousConfessions 434 + 436:
no se  +  test

#AnonymousConfessions 435:

I know who @laughingman109 is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#AnonymousConfessions 437:
I now have a daddy and spend my afternoons sexting him. He wants to fuck me in the pussy, and I use my skills in writing Erotica to dirty talk him. I want to swallow his cum, but we haven't met up yet  

#AnonymousConfessions 438:
What's the best method of killing yourself painlessly?

#AnonymousConfessions 439:
I grew up being told not to interrupt people. Out of all manners, that one was the most ingrained into me. Which would be fine except the same people who always told me that and chastised me for interrupting never had any problem interrupting me.

When I was little, whenever I complained about something hurting or having a headache and saying that why I hadn't done something-or-another that I was supposed to do yet, I'd be accused of making up excuses or my dad would go on about how he always hurts and always has a headache and yet still does what needs to be done.

Now I just feel like I'm not as important as anyone else. That my problems aren't as important. I should just smile and bear it or figure out a way to fix it myself without ever mentioning the problem. And sometimes I just want to cry. Not that anyone would notice if I did. It's to the point that if I cut myself (accidentally), I don't even say anything, I just try to wash it out and bandage it myself even if it's in an awkward place.


#AnonymousConfessions 440:

I like to pretend on the internet that I have a very happy life with a lot of friends. In reality, while it's not a complete lie, it's not that perfect. Actually, I fear that the people I call friends secretly hates me  

Confessions Anonymous 2Where stories live. Discover now