861 - 870

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#AnonymousConfessions 861:Step 4.Politics? I've never been WAYYY interested... but when it's something as big as a coronation, heads turn! Including mine. For some background: Emperor Akihito is the current ruling monarch. The Crown Prince Naruhito will ascend the throne at the end of April; he has a younger brother, the Prince Akishino. Here's the part I was mad about. Crown Prince Naruhito has a daughter, and only a daughter, the Princess Aiko. After Naruhito should have been her... as she is the direct descendant, and the great-granddaughter of Hirohito! INSTEAD.... the throne will go to Prince Akishino's son after Naruhito. Because Princess Aiko is a girl. She's currently my age, but the little son of Prince Akishino, Prince Hisahito, will be emperor after Naruhito(he's only 12)! Soooo.... mad about gender discrimination of our princess.Now, after some thought put into a project I had in school, I've decided that truly, what will keep the nation together? I shouldn't be angry about something out of my control, even if I believe in it, because for the good of the country we MUST NOT DIVIDE. Also, I believe little Hisa(DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY WORDING I KNOW ITS NOT RESPECTFUL OF ME TO CALL A PRINCE THAT) will be a good leader. Not in a powerful sort of way, perhaps, or strategic, but he loves education and his people. He's already being a great "senpai" to his younger classmates<3That said, I'm prouder of my nation now. Voluntary decision.

Long live Japan<3

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Long live Japan<3

#AnonymousConfessions 862:
(To everyone) Have you ever felt that your life is super cliche?

#AnonymousConfessions 863:

#AnonymousConfessions 864:
I still feel really lonely at times. No matter how much i talk to my friends... How long i surround myself with people. There's always a disconnect. It's disconcerting and really scary. I wish there was a way out of it. I wish i were a better person so people would actually care. Idk what to think anymore at times

#AnonymousConfessions 865:@laughingman109 I answered the second question ages ago. I think you missed it, been waiting for your response since then. The answer to your question is BOTH, following and follower.Kiki

#AnonymousConfessions 866:Step 5I realize I can be such a gloomy person... I'm sowwy!!! ;.; Before I try to make up for my anonymous gloominess, I wanted to give a shoutout to @copyedit !!! For being such a great presence. You are appreciated<3Now that I've told you wonderful people about some other, uh, things, I have an interesting happening...I visit America every year to see my "adoptive family" (my family is known for being all over the place and leaving my home country) So basically the American side of the family through marriage. *narrows eyes at sister* not that I mind! As long as she's happy, I'm good! =^v^= I was at my family's house, and honestly everyone acts all excited to see me for like ten minutes and then proceeds to fawn over my EXTRA CUTE BROTHER!!! for the rest of the visitXD Only one person, my... uhh... brother-in-law, I think? is excited to hang out with me. He knows a bit of (my language) and is a bit too obsessed with (my country) so we converse using (my language). We often go do things out for fun so I can see America and its culture, and all of my female relatives can go nuts over my brother in peace -_- I'm not that into movies, but we went and did that... it was good! I feel like (my culture) is a bit too overrated in America, I mean, like why??? And so we turn some heads. Apparently also it's normal to say hi to RANDOM STRANGERS IN LINE!!!???? And then ask them if they are from (my country). First of all, duh!!! But I decided to be dramatic since desperate situations call for desperate measures. And so in my best British accent, which is terrible since I already have an accent trying to speak English, I say, "Noh. Aiii ehm visitaying frohhm Eeenglahnd!!!" (no offense, any possible British people, this is my foreign accent mixed with attempted British speaking a foreign language to me -_-) They just stood there like uUUUUUHHHHHHH..... My inlaw is laughing like heck... the strangers are staring at me peculiarly, and I'm dying... RIP ME. I don't think I am ever going to speak English again...

#AnonymousConfessions 867:Thanks to @InnateEcstasy for your response to my post, confession #860To answer some of your concerns, the bullying has been addressed- it was in middle school. I tell him to always tell an adult when it comes up again because it does still happen, but he brushes it off now (he's just not bothered by it as much).Also, he goes to a Christian school and we go to the same church so maybe there is a pressure for him to stay quiet about if he is or isn't gay, but I really don't think he is. I've never expressed these worries to him- I just don't want him to get hurt. He knows I'm there for him so if he ever has something to tell me then I'll be open to hear it.

#AnonymousConfessions 868:
Phase 6!
Back when I was 16, I had my first actual drink (not an accidental one, like the pint I drank at 9 O.O) because I am human and can't help but make a bad decision at some point or other. And so being new to drinking (legal drinking age=20) I got hit pretty hardXD So clumsiness in someone else's house=bad things happening. I won't explain exactly what I accidentally dumped on myself because, well, I don't want to, but anyway, all my clothes got... soaked. So now I'm drunk AND have no clothes to wear AND in someone else's house. Who, unfortunately, was not a fellow female.
Soo... fast forward 10 minutes grumpy little me was presented... with guy's clothes, as I refused to walk around in a towel. When I asked if I could borrow his sister's clothes instead and make it up to her... I was refused RIP But I'm small, like REALLY SMALL... like even a guy who's only 5'2"... his clothes are wayyy too big for me. He shuts me in his room to give me some privacy... and I'm very mopy at this point. fast forward to after trying to get his clothes on His pants? Not even going to try. His shirt? Down to my knees. Ladies? Don't try to wear a guy's underwear, even if it's never been worn. It DOESN'T WORK as you will see...
I step out and he's waiting right by the doorXD I step back in surprise, and you guessed it, I lost my pants lol At this, he's laughing at me, I'm dying because I can't stand being laughed at, and I throw his own underwear at his face(he deserved it). At least the shirt was pretty long, but I was not pleased by the arrangement. The moral of the incident? Don't drink. Like, DON'T.
I haven't drunk since.

#AnonymousConfessions 869:7~ A EulogyI used to have a little sister. She was the sweetest little girl (and yes, sweet, she had a terrible sweet tooth)XD I lost this little girl to Death on March 11. So it's still raw for me. She would have been 13 this year. When she was younger, the way she'd ask such unexpected and surprisingly deep questions out of nowhere, how she'd try to imitate my style (my parents were horrified)XD, and how she was the only one who would fangirl over Hizaki with me(the rest of my family is like NOOOPPEEE). Her: Who is that? Me: That's Hizaki! Her: *scrutinizes his face**brow furls in confusion* a GUYYYY???? I had no idea a guy could look so good with makeup on. Me: Yes, sweetie, you got it! XD

I try to only remember the beautiful memories of her, the ones that make me smile

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I try to only remember the beautiful memories of her, the ones that make me smile. Not the ones where she was suffering in her last days. No 9 year old girl should have to bear that kind of pain. No one should. It was actually she that caused me to wish to pursue a career in the medical field. For that, I can only be grateful, but I wish that she were still here with me, as any sister would. The fact that I could only look on in horror and be unable to do anything to save her... I don't even want to think about that. But a tribute to her memory<3 Honey, I still love you, even though I can't be with you anymore.

#AnonymousConfessions 870:
Confession person from #856
Band-Aids make it worse because the texture difference is bigger and I can feel the sticky Band-Aid stuff against my skin which is annoying.
Moisturizing again just seems to attract more attention to it in my brain which leads to poking it and eventually picking.
any other helpful ideas?

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