682 - 690

47 0 3

#AnonymousConfessions 682:
I am a guy. I know @laughingMan109 irl. I LOVe YOU !! 😏

#AnonymousConfessions 683:
You may ask 3 questions, but not direct ones like 'Who are you'... I get to choose what I answer and I'll answer only 3... So ask away!

  #AnonymousConfessions 684:
yes for real.I know u irl...i gaze at u sometimes...oh I LovE You!!plz love me back...reminding u again I'm not a girl...I'm a guy!

#AnonymousConfessions 685:
I know you very well @laugingman <3 I lOve you...look for me in college ...yea? i'm a guy ...who sometimes...stares at u...

#AnonymousConfessions 686:
I use grammarly just because EVERY TIME i opened a youtube video grammarly ad popped up...I didn't skip those ads cuz some of them were interesting...After watching those ads I got curious...and downloaded the app...It's good...but I do just fine without it...i wanted it to enhance the words/sentence structure but for that i have to pay ;; So...now it just annoys me with giving space and capital letters...sometimes it doesn't understand the sentence and gives weird grammar suggestions...but it's fancy so i keep it ...¯_(ツ)


#AnonymousConfessions 687:
@innate and @LM ask them their birthday, the no.of times they actually posted in this thread, and the no.of topics they have created(if any)/no.of no.of post created...


#AnonymousConfessions 688:
I come from a religious background that doesn't have many people where I live... I'm not allowed to be with anyone that isn't in my religion, and I'm so scared I won't find anyone who loves me who is in my religion. I love my religion but I wonder every day if I'll manage to find someone who not only meets that requirement, but who is also actually attracted to me. The latter seems especially impossible.

  #AnonymousConfessions 689:
I've had someone confess their love to me, despite never meeting me irl (he sent me photos of himself, but I never showed him what I looked like...). He liked me just on the intimate things I told him, and vice versa. I wished we could've met and he could've seen me just once before we both agreed to part ways. Busy lives, both of us. It makes me sad knowing we spent years talking so much, revealing so much, but won't ever get to meet.

  #AnonymousConfessions 690:
I've gotten offers for arranged marriages (they've never met me, just want a wife). I wonder sometimes if I should do it, because I think that's the only way someone would ever want to marry me. They say others won't love you if you don't love yourself... I've just had an epiphany. I hate myself, maybe that's why others hate me?  


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