Chapter 28: You're My Number One

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Five Years Ago

*Taylor's POV*

Today was the day. Today was the day Hayley and I were going to tell our parents. We couldn't decide which set of parents to tell first, so we chose to tell everyone at the same time.

I was pacing my room back and forth while Justin tried to calm me down.

"Taylor, calm down." Justin said for the umpteenth time.

"Justin, you just don't get it. Mom and Dad are going to KILL me. You have no idea what I'm going through." I said, trying not to be too loud since my parents were getting ready in the room next to us.

"Calm down." Justin said, which received a glare from me. He chuckled. "Taylor, they're not going to kill you. Yes they're gonna be extremely pissed, but you won't die. If it helps, I'll stand in their way so they'll have to kill me to get to you." Justin said, embracing me in a hug.

"Thanks bro. Let's just get this over with." I said, opening my bedroom door and walking out.

"Y'all ready?" My mom asked, putting on her purse.

"Yuppers" I breathed.

We got in the car and drove the short distance to Hayley's house. My hands shook the entire time, I was so nervous.

*Hayley's POV*

"I-I-I'm pregnant" I said nervously. I was so scared of everyone's reactions. Taylor squeezed my hand next to me.

"I'm proud of you babe" He whispered quietly in my ear.

"You're what?!" My mom said jumping up from the couch. "How did this happen? We made a promise you would not have sex until you're married! You're only 15 you're still a kid yourself!" She continued to yell.

The tears started falling down my face.

"Are you guys planning to keep it?" Taylor's mom asked cautiously.

"We plan on giving the baby up for adoption. We understand that it would cost a lot of money, let alone we are too young to raise a child." Taylor said.

"We want an open adoption though, so that we are still able to see our child live out his or her life." I said, my hand slowly drifting to my stomach.

"I'm glad you decided on this. Unfortunately you got pregnant, but you guys are making the right decision on this. It will be hard to look that baby in the eyes and hand it away, but understand that the baby will have a great life with people who love them." Taylor's mom said.

My mom finally calmed down enough to come over and hug me.

"I'm sorry to freak out like that on you. I can only imagine what you guys must be going through." My mom whispered into my hair.

We all ate lunch together in silence. Nobody was able to come up with superficial conversation, and this was more confortable anyway.

Taylor's parents and Justin left, but Taylor stayed behind.

"Thank you for being there for me" I said once we were cuddled on the couch watching a movie.

"I'll always be there for you babe. I'll never leave you" Taylor said, kissing my forehead.

Author's note

I'm soooo sorry it took like months for a new chapter. I had severe writers block and it just wouldn't go away. This is actually not the chapter I planned on posting, but this idea came up in my mind so I posted it. I'm hoping the next chapter will be up in the next like 2 weeks. I know its a long time from now but I'm crammed with a lot of school work. Had no idea senior year would be this hard. Hope you guys enjoy this, please vote and comment!

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