7-first task

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"Oh dear god hyung!!!i kindly request you to spare taehyung's unwanted dick from his body from you,who will take it away as he is not waking up ....i promise you that if he doesn't wake up within5 minutes, i myself will help you in dismantling the organ...please hyung!!!please".

A very loud prayer of jungkook woke taehyung from his deep slumber and the offering made him extra terrified.

"Kookie!!!!why would you do that???i was sleeping peacefully and you woke me up from my beauty sleep and in addition to that you offered my dick to god...what wrong did i do to you????",he asked in annoyance.

"Hey slave!!gud morning to you too...and its not the way to talk to your master",kookie said making taehyung blush deeply at the word master.taehyung, you are very perverted for your age...

"And in addition,you promised that you will learn aerobics from me....so now go,freshen up and come within 5 minutes",he shooed the pathetic human who wished nothing but to sleep.

"I didn't promise anything",he mumbled and walked towards the bathroom.

After what meant like 5 years for jungkook, taehyung came out lazily with his eyes closed.

"Come on tae,wake up.....now drink this",he said and gave him a liquid in green which he called as juice.

"What the hell is this Kookie",he asked terrified as it looked like some sort of poison.

"Its a scutch grass juice,tae...it makes you active...to make you feel good,drink it in one go and you won't feel the taste....come on tae..you can do it",he said while cheering him like a cheerleader with that grass in both of his hands.and by now,taehyung was busy judging jungkook's sanity.

As he was about to drink the juice, he accidentally saw outside the window and to his surprise the sky was still dark like night.

"What the hell,Kookie????what is the time??why is it soo dark outside???",he asked frantically.

"Jeez!!!relax~~its only 4 am in the morning... an auspicious time for doing morning exercise...now drink the juice and come,we must go for a walk as a warm up",he said and taehyung, he was just internally crying at his misery and drank that ill tasted juice while closing his nose in a go.

As they were jogging, more like jungkook jogging and taehyung walking,to say that taehyung was freezing was an understatement. He wondered how jungkook can withstand this cold weather easily as he was smaller than him.

"Kookie???don't you feel cold???because i am literally freezing".

"No tae,i am good...that is because i am invisible to others,once i am visible that is only when you find the way,the atmospheric temperatures will affect me",he said and suddenly stopped.

"You said that you are cold,right??wait i'll make it go",he said and blew on him which felt like being in a heater.After about 2 minutes of blowing air on tae,he stopped.

"This will help you for an hour and keep you warm...now don't be a snail and make it fast",he said increasing his pace.Taehyung followed,managing to join jungkook's pace with a blushing face.

As they finished their small jogging session, jungkook immediately started blasting the music and danced inhumanly.

"What are you looking at,tae???follow me...",he said while doing what he called as aerobics.

Reluctantly, tae followed him and within few minutes they both were enjoying it.

After an hour or two the chaos ended and as a result the energy which was meant to be for the whole day was drained completely from taehyung's body.And in addition to that,he has to attend school which is conducting an exam that afternoon.

As they were walking to the school,taehyung was walking like a zombie and jungkook was hysterically laughing at him while following him.

"Oh tae!!!my dear slave~~here comes your first task",he said which made taehyung halt in his tracks.

"So~as this is your first task iam gonna make it kinda easy....go say 'hi' to ten of your classmates with a smile on your face...greet them good morning energetically",he said as if it was the easiest thing to do.if we come to think of it...it is kinda easy but not in the case of taehyung..

"Kookie~~do you think this is easy??this is my first day and first task,kookie... please show mercy on me.You must not give me this task even at the last day,but you gave it to me now.....why kookie???why~~",he literally started crying in panic.

"No~uh uh~....you are my slave tae....so you must obey me...now be a good boy and fulfill the task",he said while pushing tae towards the swarm of people.

So without knowing anyother way to escape from the situation, he slowly walked towards a girl who seemed less harmful.

"U-uh h-hi,good morning",he said unable to stop his stuttering.

The girl was startled by the sudden appearance and in addition,being greeted by the boy who always remains silent in the corner.

"Hi???good morning??",she said.

Taehyung just nodded and went to his next target. Like wise he completed his task and what he got back was just a totally confused good mornings.To say,jungkook was slightly happy about it.

"Good,tae...see!!it was not that hard",he said while smiling softly.

"Good for you to say...i was the one having panic attack whenever they looked at me",he replied grumpily.

"Come on,tae...you will be happy at the end",he said while mumbling the last part which was not listened by the grumpy tae .

Half of the day went by with a sleepy taehyung who had a hard time to keep his eyelids open and a jungkook who had a very big job of keeping taehyung awake.

As lunch came,both decided to just go to the rooftop with their lunch as usual.As they were eating, kookie kept on asking questions regarding the exam and to taehyung's surprise he was able to answer them inspite of gaydreaming about jungkook during their session yesterday.

The lunch was finally over and they completely brushed up the topics for exam which boosted up taehyung's confidence for sure.

But the only problem was,taehyung is completely tired and sleepy and the calm atmosphere in the exam hall won't be helpful at any cost...

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