16-new start

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The remaining days of the week went by purely with taehyung preparing for his project which was due in 3 days.It was the day before the submission of his project and as he was just doing the finishing touches of his project,jungkook and yeontan were dancing weirdly beside him.

1-2-3 and 4. taehyung is the best in this world

5-6-7 and 8. he will soon win this world

"Guys!!!what the hell are you two doing!!!???And what is with your song!!!",taehyung asked frustrated by now as the same song was repeated for 100th time by now.

"Huh??we are cheering you,you dummy...Be happy to have such a beautiful cheer leaders",jungkook said to which yeontan agreed immediately and continued their dance.Taehyung could only sigh at that, as he was used to their weirdness by now.

"Did you finish your work, tae??",jungkook asked in midst of his cheering session.

"Yes kookie, just the conclusion part is remaining",taehyung said while typing like a pro in his laptop.

"Good!!because i have some plan for you",he said and taehyung snapped his head towards him after hearing him.

"What now~~",he whined and started throwing a fit.

"Nothing to worry,tae.Its just that....i thought that we could go for a walk in the garden for a bit",jungkook said shyly which caught taehyung's attention right at that moment and instantly felt like swimming in the air.

"Sure,kookie!!!just wait a bit.I'll complete this soon and we'll go out!!",he said and typed with extra enthusiasm in his hands.

After few minutes, taehyung completed his works and dragged jungkook outside to the garden.

"Kookie,come sit with me",taehyung said as he sat near the pond in his garden.

"So....kookie,have you been an angel for anyone before me.....like has anyone summoned you before me??",he asked as he saw jungkook sat beside him.

"Offcourse.....iam the most demanded angel,you know",jungkook said proudly but taehyung's mood completely went down.

"Soooo.....how many??".

"Mmm....about 3.I started 3 years ago so you can say,yearly one",jungkook said as memories came rushing to his mind about the three people he wanted to forget.

"H-has anyone s-succeeded in their mission??",taehyung asked a bit hesitant with his words.

"You are dumb,tae.If they have succeeded, i would have been with them and not with you",he said matter of factly.

"Mmmmmm......so has anyone touched you....wait!!!that sounded wrong. Have anyone felt you???Oh my god!!!just please understand what i am trying to say and answer.... please!!!".

"You are really dumb,tae.And only the first one touched me,but i soon shut him off",he said while picking up a flower from a nearby plant.

"Good",taehyung murmured lowly and jungkook smiled at him while fixing the flower near his ear which made taehyung to die internally at his cuteness.

"So,have you felt the need of stay with them after...you know,the whole year thing",he asked keenly noting jungkook for any discomfort so that he could stop with his questions.

"Nope...not really.Maybe at the beginning,i liked this idea as i was new to this thing,but after that i hate such kind of things.They are just waste of time.I would have been just chilling in my room,but i had to deal with them and i hate that",he said and taehyung felt like crying. When jungkook saw his reaction, he instantly regretted his choice of words and continued talking.

"But....you are different, tae.You are totally different from them and to be honest you even make me happy.Whenever you smile,i feel content.I don't know what this feeling is ,but i kinda like it",he said and laid down,closing his eyes while taehyung had the dumbest smile on his face.

"Kookie likes to be with me!!!",he thought with the biggest smile in his face.

"Yes tae,i like to be with you....Are you happy now??",jungkook said with his eyes still closed.

"I will even die to find a way to make you stay,kookie... wait for a bit".

"Dumbo!!if you die,then why should i stay here.Just have your mind shut and lie down beside me",jungkook said to which taehyung soon complied with.

The next morning,taehyung woke up on his bed with a bucket of water poured on his face.

"God!!!!!Am i not worth to wake up normal even for a day!!!",he started shouting as he was terribly startled by the sudden water attack.

"Now stop shouting and go take bath.Today will be your new start!!",jungkook shouted back and taehyung just rolled his eyes.

"Why should i bath???You gave me a very nice cold bath in my bed",he said and ran straight to the bathroom before jungkook could say anything.

When he came back,he was met with a pile of clothes on his bed and sighed at that.After a long process of changing clothes,jungkook finally ticked the 10th costume he wore that morning.

As they got ready,jungkook continued his lecture with how to behave in college with his new looks.

"Look tae,when you walk in the corridor, walk as if you own the college. Walk confidently.Keep your head up.Even if you feel shy,don't show it.Just cover it with a smirk",jungkook continued rambling.

"Okay kookie..... i understand",tae sighed and both started walking towards the college.

As they entered the campus,some started shouting incoherent words and some murmured among themselves while looking at taehyung which made taehyung to be highly nervous,but tried his best to not show it.Like jungkook said,he masked it with a smirk on his face.

"Kookie.... i am so nervous....am i looking weird. Why are they staring at me like that??".

"Don't be nervous, tae.Everything is going right.You are looking like a full meal and they are just hungry for you.Don't mind them",jungkook said and taehyung went to sit on his seat with a blushing face.

"Full meal??".

"Yeah,a full meal",he said and sat on taehyung's lap as if he owned those thighs of tae.

As time went by,the professor came and started the presentation where the students came one by one to present their projects.When taehyung's turn came everyone became silent as they came to know that the new hot boy was none other than Kim taehyung, the silent boy who was in their class from the beginning.

As tae went up to the diaz, jungkook could feel that he is extremely nervous.

"Tae,don't be nervous... you can do it.Just see me when you talk.Just see my eyes.Everything will be alright",he said to which taehyung nodded and started his presentation.

Fortunately, the presentation went totally fine and to his surprise everyone listened to him with full attention which made him happy.Jungkook was equally happy for tae as he successfully finished his presentation with his professor totally happy with the contents of tge project.

As lunch came,taehyung began walking with jungkook as usual to the rooftop but was abruptly stopped by many girls and even boys.

"Are you the kim taehyung from our class??".

"Why did you hide this handsome face from us??".

"Woah....he is totally my type".

Everyone started talking among themselves and jungkook was just very happy for taehyung.

As taehyung heard everything around him, he didn't know what to do as he was so flustered to do anything,he just held a smirk on his lips and side looked at jungkook who was smiling his bunny smile.

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