28-Lovesick teenager

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A week has passed.A week without jungkook being around taehyung.To say that he was literally broken inside out was an understatement.He didn't go to his college for the whole week, busy drawing on and on of jungkook's portraits and hanging them anywhere and everywhere he could see.Other than drawing, he would do some gardening and take care of googie from time to time.This was the only schedule of Kim taehyung for the past week and everyone were worried for their young master.

And today was nothing different where taehyung was once again drawing a picture of jungkook who was laughing hard at him.The image of jungkook laughing joyfully stayed printed in his heart and he could even draw it with closed eyes.

"Tae!",a voice interrupted his concentration but just shrugged it off thinking that he was just hearing things.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!",the same voice was heard but with higher intensity which made him to bolt out towards their living room,not believing his own ears but as soon as he approached the living room he couldn't believe his eyes now.

There stood his papa and appa who were smiling softly at their son with their hands wide open for their son to embrace.

"PAPA!APPA!!",taehyung shouted as tears flowed from his eyes and ran towards them,crushing them with his hug in process.

"What happened to our tiger?Why is he crying like this?",jin asked softly as he embraced his son who hugged them both as if his life depends on it.

"Nothing, papa.I just missed you both",taehyung said.

"Don't say that its nothing, tae.I'm your papa and i can clearly see that something is bugging you.Moreover, Mrs chen called me yesterday night saying that you seemed depressed. Now please tell us your problem, my dear.Maybe we could solve it",jin pleaded.

"Tae,you know that you can tell us anything, right?The things which seems bigger for you might be very small to us.So let us help you,tae.",namjoon said and taehyung was fast enough to hug them both immediately.

"Thank you,papa!Thank you,appa!You people are the best!I must have done great deeds in my past life to get such a great parents",taehyung murmured which made the other two to smile at him softly.

"And we must have done the greatest deeds to get you as our son!",jin smiled as he gently kissed his son's cheek who smiled at him.

"Now tell us about the thing which is bugging my son's pretty mood.I'm ready to fight anyone who made my son look like a depressed love failure teenager",namjoon said enthusiastically but his smile faltered when he heard his son's reply and jin was silently giving death glares to his husband.

"Because i am,appa.",he said more like a whisper and immediately broke down.

"Now now,tae~tae~don't cry....Papa is here for you.Tell us what happened and we'll see what to do.Everything will be alright,right joonie?",he asked while gritting his teeth and namjoon felt like dying because of the glares he was receiving from his husband.

"Yes,tae.Tell us everything!Even if you have created the biggest problem,don't panic.Just tell us and poof everything will be alright in a minute.Your papa could solve any problem just like that",namjoon said which earned another glare from jin.

"Let's just ghost your appa for few minutes, tae.Now come here,my sweet little tiger.Give papa a hug and tell me everything about the boy.Papa will solve your every problem,alright?",jin said as he hugged his son tightly.

"Boy?How do you know that its a boy,papa?",taehyung asked,surprised.

"I know everything, tae.Remember?I'm your papa.Now don't go off topic and tell me",jin said.

"His name is Jungkook, papa.He is my kookie",taehyung said while jin wiped his son's snot with his hands.

"The moment he came into my life everything changed, papa.He made me come out of my shell.He is the reason for everything i have now.He gave me the confidence to face people.He gave me the happiness and love i was longing to get for years.He gave me the purpose to live.He made me to love myself.And now he took away everything with him the moment he left me.I love him,papa!I love him so much that it hurts!I don't wanna live without him!I wanna die!",he cried but stoped when he got a hard slap from his papa.



"No,joonie. Let me talk to this brat who doesn't want to live anymore",he said,anger evident in his voice and turned towards taehyung who gulped in fear as he had never seen his papa this angry before.

"If that boy named jungkook is not in your life,you don't wanna live,huh?Are we nothing to you?Don't you love us!?I agree that we were not with you for the past 4 years which i feel aabsolutely guilty but that doesn't mean that we don't love you!Is that how i brought you up,Kim taehyung?Answer me!",jin asked as tears started flowing from his eyes.

"Papa,i'm sorry",taehyung said as he wiped Jin's tears who slapped his hand away.

"Please,papa.I didn't mean to say that.I was just so sad",taehyung pleaded once again.

"Jinnie, don't cry.Tae was just upset.He is our son.He is not that stupid and coward to kill himself. Right, tae?",namjoon asked and taehyung was fast enough to agree with his appa.

"Yes,papa.I was just upset.I didn't mean anything that i said about dying. Please forgive me",taehyung said as fat tears rolled from his eyes.

"Promise me that you would never think of that even in your dream",jin said with red eyes.

"I promise, papa",taehyung said and was soon hugged by jin followed by namjoon who hugged his two precious people at a time.

"Now tell me where that boy went,tae.I'll bring him to you no matter what",jin asked as he broke the bug.

"You can't bring him back,papa",taehyung replied with a broken smile.

"Why,tae?Just tell me the place!We'll go meet him even if he is in Antarctica",namjoon said and soon got a hit from jin.

"He's farther than that,appa.He's living there",he said as he pointed up to the sky.

"He's in heaven.My angel went back to his home",he said as he started crying again,startling his parents.

"Oh,tae. Don't cry~everything will be alright....If kookie see's you like thus,will he be happy?If you want to make him happy,be happy. I know how hard it is to lose our loved ones all of a sudden,but try to get over with it.Don't be depressed,tae.Everyone tends to get heartbreaks in their life.That's how life is.But what matters is how we overcome it.Make your kookie proud of you,tae.Live a life which will make your kookie love you evenmore. That's what you should do now instead of mourning for days",jin said as he wiped his son's tears who smiled softly at him.

"You are right, papa.",he said and hugged jin who hugged back lovingly.

"Now go and take a walk in the garden.Refresh your mind for like 15 minutes and in the meantime I'll prepare your breakfast, alright?Namjoon, come help me",he said and dragged namjoon with him who followed him like a lost puppy.

Taehyung who was seeing their parent's interaction just smiled sadly and walked towards the rooftop while imagining himself and his kookie in the place of his parents.

"Kookie~Wherever you are,can you hear me?I love you so much,kookie!Come back to me!I'm missing you so much eventhough its only been a week",taehyung said softly as he admired his kookie's face from the top but got startled by another voice beside him.

"I love you too,tae".

So,whom does that voice belong to!?

And nowadays i'm getting a lot of death threats.Should i recruit a bodygaurd to save myself?👉👈

And also comment your thoughts about this chapter~

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