29-An angel himself?

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"Look what you've done to me,kookie. Now i'm hearing you even if you're not with me",he said as he wiped the single tear which dropped from his eye.

"Turn back,you'll even see me,tae",the same voice replied which made him to turn around immediately.

"K-kookie?",he called out as tears started flowing uncontrollably.

"Tae!",jungkook who stood before him,shouted happily as a wide smile was spread on his face .

"I thought that i would never see you again,kookie. I'm happy that i could still remember you so that i could atleast imagine you like this.Why can't we have a happy ending, kookie?Is my wish too big to be fulfilled?",taehyung cried as he looked at jungkook longingly.

"Why are you saying like that,tae?If you ask me,I would say that we are the best happy ending couple one could have ever seen",jungkook said as he smiled softly at his lover.

"Best happy ending?If it is so, you would be in my arms right now,kookie. Not in my imagination",taehyung said but got really startled when jungkook hugged him tightly. He felt like fainting then and there and in addition to that jungkook's next words didn't help him at all.

"Now will you say that we are the best happy ending, tae?I'm all yours now and likewise you're all mine",jungkook said softly as he held taehyung in a tight hug who took more than a minute to process everything.

"W-what?H-how?K-kookie?W-what's h-happ-en-ing?",taehyung stammered as he couldn't control his emotions anymore. He felt like crying that very moment but at the same time he wanted to smile happily that he had jungkook back in his arms.

"You made us happen, tae.Your love for me made us happen",jungkook said and softly kissed his cheeks which made taehyung to blush even in his current confused situation.

"I couldn't understand you,kookie. My brain is not processing anything. Explain it more clearly.please~",he pleaded as he eyed jungkook who just held his cheeks dearly.

"What i was trying to say is that you kept your promise,tae.You made me to stay with you forever as you promised. Now i'm all yours",he said calmly as he stroked the other's cheeks softly.

"H-how?",he asked again as he didn't get the clear picture of what was happening yet.

"Because of your true love.I'm here with you because of your true and selfless love,tae.That day,when i was literally burning,you didn't care about yourself and held me tight.Even when i told you that you will burn with me,you didn't care.Your tears for me made the fire to extinguish.It was the way to make an angel stay with his human, tae.And you did it!",jungkook said and by now taehyung was full on crying as he held his angel gently, afraid that he could hurt him if he tighten his grip.

"Is this for real?",he asked in between his cries.

"It is,tae.I love you so much and i knew that we would be together from the very beginning. I knew that you would go to any extent for me and you proved that.So thank you for making us happen",jungkook said sincerely as he smiled happily.

"You don't know how much i love you,kookie. I could never be able to express it through words.I'll show,i'll prove my infinite amount of love towards you through my action from this moment,kookie.",taehyung said as he kissed the other's forehead who had a content smile on his face.

"I know how much you love me,tae.No need to prove that.Being with you itself is more than enough for me.But when are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend, my sweet human?",jungkook asked cheekily which errupted a laugh from the latter.

"You became my boyfriend,the moment you came back to me,kookie. But if i think about it,asking you out will be really amazing too.So kookie,will you be my boyfriend?Yes or yes?",he asked as he signed 👌👌with his hands which made jungkook to roll his eyes playfully at him.

"Woah~how romantic~Wait let me think.....",he said and gestured like he was thinking but yelped when he was suddenly lifted up by taehyung who kissed him instantly. Inspite of the prior shock,he kissed back with a smile as he sensed the other smiling between the kiss.

"I love you,kookie.I love you so so much!!",taehyung said as he pulled away with jungkook still in his arms.

"I love you too ,tae.So much",jungkook said back as he nuzzled his face in the other's neck who smiled at his adorable angel.

"Let's go down, kookie. Papa and appa are back from their trip.By this time,he must've prepared the breakfast,well for me but i could share with you",he said as he walked down the stairs and smiled as he heard the other mumble a small 'you must'.

"Oh tae!You're back.I was about to call you",jin said as he arranged the dishes on the table with his back facing his son.


"And i prepared breakfast for Jungkookie too.He eats so well which encouraged me to prepare a big breakfast.He's a cutie when he eats",jin said which made jungkook to snap out of his fantasy world as he was still held by taehyung.

"T-tae?",he called out with wide eyes as he eyed jin who still had his back facing them.

"H-hm?",taehyung just hummed in response as he was still processing his papa's words.

"Did you know?",he asked as he still eyed the elder man before the table.

"Know what?",taehyung asked who turned his attention on his boyfriend by now.

"That your papa is an angel himself",he said,voice filled with shock which shocked taehyung evenmore. As they were really shocked by the new information, they turned towards jin who was smiling widely with an evident smirk on his face while namjoon was nowhere to be found.

A short chapter because,

1.I wanted to update a chapter today.

2.If i added the next scene, it would have been really lengthy and in addition to that,i would have not known where to end.

3.Wanted a cliffhanger to end this chapter.😷

Aaaannnddd......share your thoughts about this chapter and also what do you think about an angel jin.Is he a good angel or bad??

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