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"Taehyung!!!i said that its final!!!you are going there and i must not hear any refusal from you again!!",jungkook shouted and went inside pushing him outside and creating some sort of magic so that he could not enter the mansion without fulfilling his mission.

A few minutes ago.....

"Taehyung,you lazy goose!!come here right this moment",a blushing jungkook yelled from taehyung's room.He can't really get himself out of the situation yeontan had said awhile ago.him+naked+infront of taehyung=blushing jungkook...So to bring himself out of that imagination, the only way he found was to give a mission to taehyung.

"What happened, kookie??",taehyung asked with a smile which didn't help the situation at all.suddenly taehyung is attractive no matter what...What even are you thinking, jungkook??With some stupid words from a stupid yeontan, you are having such thoughts. Are you seriously having a crush on taehyung??Are you that weak to form crush on someone with a mere imagination of you being naked in front of them??AND ALSO borrowing the thoughts from other people,oh please!!!!snap out of it!!!

"Kookie!!what happened??first you were yelling and now you are spacing out!!!are you ok??",taehyung asked worried with a pout.

"why am i having the urge to kiss that pout away??",jungkook thought dreamily.

"Kookie, you are scaring me!!!",taehyung voice interrupted his thoughts yet again and he finally snapped out of his fantasies.

"Taehyung, you bastard!!!you have no idea what you have done!!!how dare you are to do this!!!!",he screeched and both taehyung and yeontan had no idea what he had done.

"What have i done,kookie??i am sorry!!!",taehyung said eventhough he had no idea of what he has done.

"Quite!!you have done enough and don't show that puppy eyes of yours to me with that exaggerated pout.That doesn't work on me!!!Now go to the supermarket nearby and buy me a ramen",jungkook said flustered by taehyung's face which was slightly near his own, in his opinion.


"Dont 'huh' me.Just go to the supermarket. 'Talk' to the cashier. 'Ask'her were is the ramen section and the most important task today is you must talk with her for 10 minutes. Do you understand??",jungkook asked while tilting his head towards taehyung.

"A-alright, kookie... let's go".

"Why should i??Will i be there with you for every second of your life??Its your life.You should be able to handle it yourself.You cannot wait for me to give you 'mental support' or something like that.Now shoo",he said while looking the other side so that he could avoid the puppy eyes.

Back to the present.....

"Tannie,just follow him.Don't make it obvious. He should never sense that you are following him.Am i clear??",jungkook asked and yeontan was more than excited to clear his sudden mission. He was actually very excited to see taehyung stammer in front of that pretty cashier.

As taehyung was walking towards the supermarket ,yeontan followed him carefully so that taehyung would not see him.The people around them were giving him the most weirdest stare which he shrugged it off completely. To be honest, who will not be weirded out to see a dog wearing a cap and a cooling glass who is acting like some james bond.

As taehyung reached the supermarket, yeontan hurriedly went to the nearby tree which was near the entrance so that he could hear the conversation.

As taehyung went before the cashier, his nerves played violently and he was unable to utter even a word before the beautiful girl and just stared at her plainly and yeontan was having the time of his life.

"Hi handsome~~i have never seen you in this area....Are you new??",she asked trying to act attractive in front of the handsome guy who was staring at her hungrily.And this just sparked something inside taehyung.

"Ahh no...its just that,i have never visited supermarkets.Its my first time to be in one and i am blessed with such a beauty",taehyung said without a single stutter and yeontan was having a mental breakdown behind the tree.

"Awww...you are such a sweet talker,i see",she said while laughing.

"Sweet talks for a sweet girl",taehyung just shrugged and the girl laughed at him.

"Sooo~~what's your name??",she asked while eyeing his body up and down.

"V",he said with a smirk.

"V??quite a mysterious name...i like mysteries",she said while coming near him.

"I suggest you to be careful with mysteries,tho",he said while circling his hands around her waist.

"Hmmm....i don't want to be careful~~"she said while resting her hands around his shoulder.

"Your wish~~",he said while removing his hands from her and her's from him.

"So,handsome......how about we exchange numbers so that it would be easier for us~~",she asked and taehyung just smirked.

"But someone would not be happy about that",he said with a smirk.

"Just ignore them~~~",she replied with a whine.

"Can't do that because that someone is my boyfriend and he is waiting for ramen in our home.So could you please bring them soon so that i can go home and cuddle with my 'boyfriend'~~",he said and the girl was shocked by his reply.


"Yeah~",he said with the same smirk and the girl rushed to bring what he needed so that she could send him off soon.

And yeontan who was watching everything ran to jungkook as fast as he could so that he could deliver this shocking news to him.

So there was a fuming jungkook with a blush which seemed like it would stay permanently there in his cheeks and yeontan who was just so shocked to show anyother expression,waiting for taehyung's arrival.

As taehyung entered the mansion, he was welcomed by the glares from both of them and was intrigued by it.

"What happened, guys??I bought the ramen packs and in addition to that,the cashier gave me for free,you know",he said with a victorious smile.

"I wonder why??",jungkook said while gritting his teeth.

"Maybe she thought that i was handsome or something",he said while sweeping his hair backwards and jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Oh i see....and as she was so beautiful, you flirted with her",jungkook said which made taehyung's jaw to touch the ground on its own.

"And after flirting with her for what seemed like years,you came out of the mess you have created by addressing me as your boyfriend",jungkook continued but this time his words came out a little flustered.

"But kookie.... its the truth",taehyung said and jungkook gave him the 'what the hell are you talking' look.

"You ARE my boyfriend",taehyung said with a smile.

"WHATTTT???",jungkook screeched and taehyung just shrugged.

"You are a boy who is my friend, so you are my boyfriend",he said like its a matter of fact.

"IDIOT!!!",jungkook shouted and ran towards taehyung's room.

""That was a smooth act,taehyung.I am impressed",yeontan said and taehyung just smiled at him.

"I am seeing some effect of me on him....so i will for sure will make use of it....",he thought with some hope building in him.

I just meant to publish this today as the last update is long ago and sorry for a boring chapter. I promise you that the next update will be sooner and also interesting....

And also,the plot will be interesting as taehyung will be going to the college in the next chapter;)))


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