9-project KTH

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"Kookie~~don't you think preparing 30 pie at a time is very hard??even making a single pie is hard for me,kookie... please show mercy on me",taehyung was literally whining to jungkook.

"Hmm...now coming to think about that,it will be pretty hard.......what about this,you prepare one pie and i will create its copies.Is that ok?",jungkook asked eyeing taehyung who was having a relieved expression on his beautiful face.

"Thank you so much ,Kookie.".And with that he started preparing the pie,but one thing was bugging him continuously. why 30 pie??

"Kookie, why do you need 30 pie??",he asked out of curiosity.

"You will come to know eventually ,tae.When you finish the work,call me.I'll be in the living room",he said leaving taehyung alone in the kitchen.

After about 4 hours of hardwork he came out with his probably delicious pie in his hand and jungkook right away made the other 29 copies.

"Tae,do you have puppies??",jungkook asked suddenly making taehyung to think about different probabilities of Kookie's plan in his mind.

"No,kookie...but,i wish to have one".

"How would it look like if you have one??".

"Hmmm....it will be cute,fluffy,active,friendly..... i don't know ,kookie",he said while packing the pie.

"Will it be like this,tae??",he asked while pointing at the floor where suddenly a small fluffball of a puppy appeared.

"Woah!!!kookie!!!its so CUTE!!",taehyung ran towards the puppy and started squeezing the life out of the puppy.

"Dude??i was practically born today.Don't cause my death within the few minutes of my birth".

And after hearing the voice Taehyung was literally freaking out and jungkook was laughing his ass out seeing his reaction.

"Kookie!!!h-how...h-how i-is he t-talking...i can't believe that,this is happening".

"Excuse me,if you can believe jungkook is real,why can't you believe me",the suddenly born puppy was talking furiously making taehyung to freak out even more.

"Relax,tae....he is from my world,and the puppies there normallytalk...now can you name him??",jungkook asked while coming out of his laughing fit.

"Mmm....can i name him as yeontan??".

"Not bad!!i kinda like this name....",the puppy now known as yeontan said approving his new name.

"So tae,tomorrow you are going to give these pie to your classmates as a celebration of yeontan's birth...is that clear??this is your next task",jungkook said making taehyung to nearly faint by the series of shocks he is getting.

"Now go to bed,tae..tomorrow we have so much works to do",he continued and left to the bedroom.

"Guess what??i have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be hell..",taehyung murmured to himself and left to the bedroom.

And the next morning started with a scene of jungkook and yeontan dancing belly dance and to say about it,this has now became genuinely normal for taehyung to wake up with such sights.

And the day started with them going for jogging and the aerobics session which was less tiresome as his body started to adapt to this new lifestyle.

Soon they reached the school and jungkook immediately sent taehyung to give away the pie packs to his classmates.

"Hmm..hi,today is my puppy's birthday and this is to celebrate it....please have this",he said while handing the pie to the girl he first talked yesterday.

"Uhh....Congrats??",she said and got the pack from him.

And just like that,he gave the pie to his other classmates which they recieved without a second glance.

"You are improving in developing conversations,tae...keep it up",jungkook said while walking to taehyung seat not before startling Johnny who was sleeping.

The day went by and the last lesson started when Mr.kang came inside the class.

"So now,class...there is a project that you are supposed to submit by next week,the same day-

He was not able to complete his sentence as there was a large disagreement from the students.

"Silence!!!now let me continue... so... right,the project!!for this project, you have to do it in pairs and you can choose your partners. As this class has 31 members,one will be doing alone.I have 16 topics for your projects and you must choose like a lucky draw one by one.Is that clear??",as soon as he said these words,the students hurriedly chose their partners and to jungkook's dissapointment, no one came to taehyung and he can sense the sad vibe from the other.

The human was awfully silent the entire time,when he went to choose his topic or even when walking to his mansion, he remained quiet which killed jungkook.

And as they entered the mansion, taehyung didn't even acknowledge the welcoming voice of yeontan and went straight to his room.

"Dude!!what's wrong with tae??why is he sad like someone stole his favourite cookies or something",yeontan asked to jungkook which he decided to just ignore and went straight following taehyung.

"What's wrong with these people??am i invisible or what...whatever,let's just continue admiring pinky",he said and walked outside to watch the neighborhood dog.love at first sight..

"Tae,talk to me...don't be quiet",Kookie said while entering the room to only see taehyung sitting on the floor,eyes starting to tear up.

"What is going to change if i talk,Kookie??everything will remain the same",he said with a shaking voice.

"Don't talk as if the world is going to end,tae..don't lose your hope",he said trying to calm him.

"With or without hope,none is going to acknowledge me.I know,Kookie... you made me do those tasks to make me talk to other people.But it is of no use.They ignored me and they will continue to do it.I am like some passing clouds for them.I experienced this for a long time now, but iam not able to deal with this till now...maybe after sometime this will become a normal thing in my life",he said while crying.

"Don't cry,taehyung. Don't waste your tears for the people who didn't know your value....To say the truth,you are the most precious, kindhearted and caring human i have ever met.Iam not saying this to flatter you or something. This is the truth,tae.I seriously thought that all the humans are assholes who has no kindness in them.But,you changed that aspect of mine.

You may be like a passing cloud in everyone's eyes,but you will for sure be the only star in someone's eye.So don't lose your self confidence, tae.You must not lose hope because after losing hope you will not have the capacity to even see 'that someone' even if they are right in front of you",he said as taehyung stopped crying and a small smile beginning to sprout on his lips.

"Thank you,Kookie... no one has ever talked to me like this...hell none talked to me at all and in these type of situations, i will be there crying my eyes out.You mean a lot to me,Kookie... seriously",he said while creating an unknown feeling inside jungkook.

"Ok,now stop crying and we need to do something about your extincting self confidence. And before you speak,this is for your wellbeing and this time i am not doing this to impress people.So you will be on leave for a week to work on my plan",he said stopping taehyung whenever he made an attempt to object.

"But,kookie... the project??",he said finally having the chance to speak.

"Oof tae,its due date is only by next week...there is plenty of time for that.Now 'project KTH' starts from tomorrow",he said like a dictator in power.

By the way,people can see yeontan but can't hear him talking..

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