8-sleepy exam

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The exam hall had a serene atmosphere and that was the main problem for taehyung.He was dozing off due to this.What can he do other than that.The calmness was inviting sleep to his brain and the eyes were doing its work.

The exam will be for about 2 hours and taehyung was sitting there in his seat sleeping within the first 5 minutes. So his angel was digging his brain to find a way to wake him up and after few minutes he did the first thing which came to his mind....that is dancing, the only thing he knows.

So there was Kookie who was singing and dancing violently before a sleeping taehyung which successfully helped taehyung to wake up.And if Kookie was visible to everyone, he would have been looked like a mad man.

As taehyung woke up,he came to the realisation that he was in the exam hall and started writing. But exhaustion played a major role in his life at that time.This made kookie to dance continuously making the wooden floor to shake a little and the poor classmate who was sitting near him was terrified to the core thinking that there was a developing earthquake.

As this continued, there was no improvement in taehyung's case,so Kookie decided to use his magic for once.He touched tae's eyes and the fatigue was instantly gone and Taehyung was extra brisk for once that day.

"Tae,the magic will work for awhile... so write fast....ok??",he said for which taehyung nodded and started writing enthusiastically.

As the exam was going on,Kookie noticed that the boy beside taehyung was struggling and the answers were wrong.So,to compensate the nuisance he caused awhile ago,he decided to help him by catching the boy's hand and writing the answers for him.And the boy was simply having thoughts about his own sanity.

After the exam has ended,both made their way to the mansion to do god knows what and taehyung was internally dreading about his near future with his 'angel'.

As they entered,what Kookie said made tae to jump in joy even in his drowsy state as the magic has worn out totally by now.

"Tae,go take rest now....maybe for an hour or two....and then we-...no no you have a lot of work to do...ok??",kookie said.

"whatever work it maybe, i gotta have rest now...that is enough for me at present...",he thought and jolted towards his room which made kookie to laugh at his sudden cuteness.

After 3 hours.....yes Kookie was generous and he allowed taehyung to sleep for an extra hour,he woke him up.

"Tae....WAKE UP!!!".

"Yeah...yeah~~now what,kookie~",he said while getting up respecting the given orders like a good slave he was.

"Do you know to make apple pie??",jungkook asked suddenly making taehyung intrigued.


"Then the problem is solved without even making its appearance....come on tae,we have to make 30 pie and we have no time",he said and walked out of the room.

"30 PIE!!!now what is he planning???",he said to himself while crying about his fate.

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