21-first lesson

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"OK,tae.Are you ready to hear my story...more like stories?",jungkook asked as he turned towards taehyung and sat with crossed legs which the other mimicked immediately.

"So….for the beginners i should say it from the beginning, right?Mm….ok!So,according to the rule,the angels are not allowed to have their own humans just like that.They must reach 100 years to have one.Untill then they are just considered as babies at our place,which i really hated with every cell of my body . So when i reached my century,which was 8 years ago, i was so excited to have my own human.I literally tortured my god hyung to give me my human as fast as he could. I didn't even let him to breath peacefully. Poor,hyung!!.",jungkook said and laughed at the memory of him disturbing his hyung even when he was bathing.

"And finally my chance came when a cry of agony reached us which made me to jump up and down in joy.But my excitement seized when i saw the source of that cry.There was a boy mmm….probably your age,was crouched near his window ,crying his eyes out and was begging god hyung to kill him!I literally became a statue when i saw him.His body was filled with wounds which looked really painful. And when i looked over his history, i felt really bad for the poor boy!His parents were drug addicts who basically considered him as an 'accident'.They would always beat him up till they had the effect of the drug inside them which remained  almost for the whole day. What made me sick was, they forced him to use their drugs daily which is very powerful for his age",jungkook said sadly.

"So i went to him immediately,with the only thought of bringing the young boy out of his misery.But when i introduced myself to him,he didn't believe that i was an angel and started punching me,thinking that i was one among his parent's drug delivery boy",jungkook chuckled.

"You allowed him to touch you already?",taehyung interrupted as he pouted.

"I was new to everything around me, tae.I was inexperienced.Now shush~",he said as he slightly tapped the pout with his palm.

"As i said,at the beginning he didn't believe me being an angel and only after a detailed description,he started believing me.We then became friends instantly,but he wouldn't allow me even to see his parents. Whenever he would get abused, i would always sit in his room,painfully aware of everything happening down to my friend,but was unable to do anything",jungkook said as he clenched his fist angrily.

"Why didn't you follow him everywhere like you always do to me?",taehyung asked.

"I follow you because it is the rule,tae.I would have done the same to that boy too.But he ordered me not to involve myself in his business with his parents. Whatever happens to him because of his parents, he asked me to not come in between the chaos.",jungkook said.

"Is he mad?Why would he do that to himself when he has got the solution for his misery right in his hands?",taehyung asked with a frown.

"That's because he didn't want me to hurt his parents,tae.Though he hated them,he didn't want me to hurt them.And also he didn't want me to see his miserable state when he gets beaten up",jungkook said as he softened the frown from tae's face with his hands,yet again.

"So whenever he gets beaten up,i would wait for him till he reaches his room and the minute he enters,i would use my magic to make those wounds go away.But as the days died,he too became a drug addict even worser than his parents and would beat me up thinking me as his birthgivers .Though the wounds would disappear within seconds, i felt the pain with every single hit i recieved. But whatever he did to me, i still stayed with him as i know that  he was still my friend who cared for me.",jungkook said as a sad smile formed on his lips.

"He cared for you?Are you dumb,kookie?Why didn't you make him stop touching you once he started being abusive?",taehyung asked as he was pissed by just thinking about his kookie getting beaten up.

"It is not as easy as you say,tae.I allowed him to touch me since i trusted him.So once i offered something, i cannot take it away.And i'm totally sure that the guy cared about me because once he comes out of his wild self, he would always cry and plead for my forgiveness.He was in the stage where he knows that his deeds were wrong but couldn't control himself.At that time,i couldn't manage to think what was right and what was wrong.So i did the only thing i thought which would lead his life to the right path.I carried him out of his house through his window and took him to a realm to clear his mind and body out from the drugs.I then asked my hyung to do something to his scoundrel parents since i couldn't do anything by myself because of the stupid order.So the god hyung erased all their memories and left them in the streets,letting them suffer as they were basically like the newborns",jungkook said as he eyed taehyung.

"The god did that to them?",taehyung asked,totally shocked.

"Yes!!I was the one who asked him to do that and you know what,tae….i'm his weak spot~I'm the most favourite angel of him.He loves me a lot and will never say 'no' to me.So offcourse he would do anything for me.Abusing their own child is itself a sin and in addition to that they introduced him into the evil world of drugs.They absolutely deserved their punishment. If you ask me,hyung was just lenient towards them.".

"Mmmmm,you're right, kookie….So,what happened to that boy after that?Wait!what's his name?You didn't say that to me till now",taehyung asked.

"I can't say anything more than this,tae.You'll come to know everything when the right time comes.And about the boy!He is absolutely fine after 2 years of constant help he recieved and is now one of the counselors in the realm after taking a small course.As he was once a victim he could understand his patient's problem easily than any other people and became quite famous in that field.Though i couldn't help him instantly, i'm happy that he was able to come out of the evil trap and help out others who are like him.I'm proud of him,tae",jungkook smiled as a drop of tear escaped his eyes.

"I'm proud of you too,kookie!",taehyung said as he wrapped his arms around his angel.

"But my first human gave me a trauma in return, tae.I lost all the trust i once had.I couldn't trust anyone easily after that and that was the reason i didn't allow you to touch me at the beginning. He was my first lesson, tae.He indirectly taught me not to trust anyone easily",jungkook said as he closed his eyes.

So,this is it..his first lesson...

Sorry for being late...heheee

And whom do u think the boy would be??

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