22-second lesson

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"I was not at all ready to have another human after that,tae.I felt drained and had no interest in going back to the human world.But one day,a boy changed my mindset completely. When he pleaded to God hyung saying that he was lonely and single for his whole life and wanted to experience love,it caught my attention on him instantly.I was really curious about this boy and asked God hyung about him immediately.And honestly speaking,my heart exploded the moment i laid my eyes on his handsome face.I was instantly attracted to him and pleaded my hyung to send me to him",jungkook said and laughed once he saw taehyung who was pouting.

"Aww,tae~Don't pout!!Hear the full story,alright?",he said and caressed the pout with his fingers.

"God hyung just laughed at my eagerness and sent me to him.Once i reached him,he was surprised by my sudden appearance but nonetheless fell for my beauty instantly,you know",he said and smiled as he eyed a sulking taehyung beside him.

"Come here,tae.Hug me tight and hear the rest of my story",he said and hugged taehyung who hugged back a bit tightly,his possessive side coming out without his own knowledge.

"So when we met,i made sure that i told all the important rules to him unlike my first human and this time i didn't allow my human to touch me.I was still traumatized so i asked him to earn my trust to which he happily agreed immediately. That day i clearly knew that we both crushed on eachother and we were on cloud nine for the next 3 months.We were really happy and lovey dovey just like boyfriends.I was so happy and i was about to accept and trust him but his behaviour suddenly changed towards me",he said while taehyung turned towards his angel only to see his painful smile.

"He gradually began changing.He started talking very less and would disappear daily.He would ask me to leave him alone and to not follow him everywhere which i had to do without any question.And as days went by,he stopped talking to me and would always come covered with hickies which broke my heart completely. It hurted me a lot.What hurted me the most was,i became invisible to my own human.He ghosted me even when i stood before him which broke me",jungkook said as a small tear fell out of his eyes.

"Kookie...Don't cry,please",taehyung said as he wiped the tears which escaped from his kookie's eyes who smiled softly at him.

"I'm ok,tae.Its just that,even the memory hurts me.",he said and smiled softly as he wiped his tears.

"Ok!!Now continuing with the story!!This behavior of him continued for the next 8 months or so and i felt the worst during those period.Somewhere in the 4 th month of my arrival,I found that he was seeing a girl from a club we went to celebrate on our 3rd month anniversary. Though i accepted my fate with him within a couple of months,it still hurted me.",he said as he played with tae's hair.

"I was literally counting my days on earth and was very happy when i had only 2 months .But i saw changes in him at the beginning of the 11 th month. He was always sad and sometimes i would even see him crying silently. I couldn't sit simply and watch my human breaking, so i decided to help him.But whenever i went to talk with him,he would always ask me to go away.I didn't know what to do and just let it slide until the day he came back to the room,fully drunk and with open wounds which were bleeding a lot! I was really shocked to see him like that and instantly came to know the reason once i saw him.His girlfriend cheated on him from the beginning and he came to know that only few days ago.And when he found that,her new boyfriend or should i say her new master beat him to pulp while he couldn't do anything as he was already drunk which made him unsteady",jungkook said.

"Serves him right.He just tasted his own medicine.",taehyung said to which jungkook just patted his head softly.

"I cured his wounds immediately and laid him down on his bed.He began crying like a child which offcourse broke me but i tried my best to not show it to him.He apologized for his deeds and cried to me asking for my forgiveness. He told me everything about his so called girlfriend, how she seduced him for his money,how she used him to fulfill her needs and everything she did to him which made my blood to boil.".

"I helped him to overcome his sadness by staying with him for the whole day and talked with him which i think eased his mind.We spent our days by playing videogames or helping him while he cooks.He gradually came out of his breakup phase as we decided to become just friends.But eventually my day for leaving came and i came back to heaven after saying my goodbye to my 'friend' who was crying rivers when i left",he said calmly.

"Kookie?",taehyung called after a few minutes,bringing jungkook's attention on him immediately.

"Yes,tae?",he looked expectantly at taehyung who was not meeting his gaze.

"Do you still have feelings for him?",he asked which made jungkook to laugh slightly.

"Tae,Didn't i say that you are my first love?You are my only love,tae.What i had for him was not at all love at the first place because you made me to realize the real feeling of falling in love.What i felt for him is just a fragrant of what i'm feeling for you.Remember that,ok?",he said and taehyung hugged him immediately.

"You don't know how happy i am right now,kookie.Thank you so much!",taehyung cried as he hugged his angel tightly.

"No,tae.I am the one who must thank you.I had vowed to myself that i should never fall in love with anyone but you made me to realize that what i had for that boy was not even love in the first place.You made me to realize that I was just infatuated towards him and what i'm feeling for you is the real love.So thank you so much,tae",he said and hugged back,feeling content to be in his lover's embrace.

Hehee!!i'm back!!÷I was about to publish this chapter yesterday but the network was not the best)

I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to comment your views!!

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