chapter 1

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the sweet smell of death fills the air as the limp bodies are tossed to the ground. their skin are devoid of any color; apples of their cheeks are no longer pink and looks of fear burned into their eyes as blood drops from their slashed necks. taehyung frowns as he accidentally steps into the pool of crimson with his clean shoes.

"you're so fucking messy," he hisses. "look at all the blood you wasted."

the other male wears a sinister grin on his face, blood dripping down the corners of his lips and chin onto his black hoodie. his hair is almost as red as the shade of ruby his eyes glows. "It's more fun that way," yoongi devilishly chuckles, licking his fangs.

the numbers of death and missing people has been increasing in the past two months. people of the small town grow more alarmed and concerned with every new body found, blood drained and necks severely wounded. taehyung takes that as their cue to find a new place to flee to. they can never stay in one place for too long. not with their need to feed so often. not with all the humans on high alert. it always becomes to difficult, to risky to hunt.

"you've been getting too reckless lately. you're gonna get us caught one day and I'm not gonna be fucking dragged down with you."

yoongi scowls, about to challenge the other when a man in all black jumps down from the roof above them, landing perfecting on his feet. "come on, the humans don't even suspect it's us. they think it's some physco serial killer," namjoon says, trying to defuse the situation. "humans are so dumb and naive. it's almost funny."

an exasperated sigh slips past taehyungs lips as he runs a hand down through his hair, the blonde locks quickly dirtying from the blood. "we should get out of here soon, move onto the next town." the two other males nod silently before they leave the dark alley, leaving behind the corpses.


the town has been on edge for a while now. ever since four dead bodies were found in the woods last month no one feels safe anymore. who can ever feel safe knowing there's a deranged murderer running around? jungkook's been living here his whole life and not once in his twenty two years has he ever felt anxious walking around the streets. not until now.

it's fortunate the commute to his work isn't so bad. his junk of a car had broken down about two weeks ago, so he usually walks to and from the book shop everyday being that it's only about a ten minute walk.

the closing shifts are always the scariest. having to walk back to his home late at night has him feeling paranoid like he's going to end up one of those bloody corpses when morning comes. some nights he feels as if he's being watched by something, or rather someone, in the shadows. maybe it's just him going mad from the little sleep caused by the stress of knowing innocent people are out there being brutally killed. he feels like he hasn't had a good nights rest in ages.

jimin and hoseok started walking back with him once the mayor advised everyone not to walk around alone at night and be off the streets before midnight. the two of them own the coffee shop about a block down from the book store, so it isn't out of their way to meet up with jeongguk after hours to walk back together. it always gives all of them peace of mind.

it's almost midnight when jeongguk finally finishes restocking the new order of books and closes up the store. jimin and hoseok are already waiting for him outside, both of them holding bags of pastries from the shop.

"extra again?"

jimin mods, "your favorite's in there." the other accepts it with a wide, greatful grin. the danishes are almost all gone by the time they got to jeongguk's house. the couple are always surprised by how much he can eat.

"thanks for walking me home again, guys."

"you don't need to thank us every time, jeongguk," hoseok chuckles. "besides if something happened to you, who would we give all our leftover food to? it would be such a waste."

jeongguk rolls his eyes, "I'm serious. I feel a lot better when you guys are with me. I don't know why, but lately I've been feeling like I'm being watched or something. I don't know- it's just been really freaking me out."

"I'm sure you're just being paranoid. don't worry we're always with you, nothing's gonna happen," jimin reassures him with a gentle squeeze of the shoulder.

jeongguk nods and tells them goodnight before going into the house. he quickly gets ready for bed, practically forcing his somnolent body not to just fall into the bed right away. a drawn-out sigh falls from his lips when he finally sinks into the soft and warm mattress. his heavy losses eyes fluttering open again when he hears movement somewhere in the darkness.

it's almost pitch dark inside his room, except for the moonlight spilling in through the open curtains. he springs up from the bed, his heart racing in his chest and his hands trembling as he grabs his phone, preparing to call for help.

"hello? is somebody there?" he timidly calls out, though he isn't sure why. even if there is an intruder, they would never give themselves up so easily. there is no answer, of course. he sits in the bed, waiting for a few minutes with his phone in hand just in case he hears anything else. he doesn't. he eventually convinced himself that it was just the winds, the floorboards creaking, anything except for a serial killer trying to murdered him and goes back to bed.

it takes him about an hour to finally fall asleep, completely unaware of the outsider hiding in the shadows of his room.

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