chapter 23

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It's been such a long, grueling day. There's a frown stuck on his face no matter how hard he tries to will it away. jungkook's looking up at him with that slight fearful, surprised expression of his and he tries not to look so upset, not wanting to scare the human away. taehyung takes a step closer, close enough to lean down and nuzzle his face into the crook of the shorter's neck. He sighs.

jungkook tenses up at first, but after the vampire slide his arms around his waist he begins to slowly relax. "Are you okay?" His voice is quiet, cautious.

taehyung remains silent, simply takes in the other's scent he enjoys so much. His eyes snap open and his eyebrows pull together as soon as he detects an unfamiliar smell. The smell of another man. jungkook's startled by the way taehyung suddenly pulls away. "Who were you with?"

The shorter's eyes go wide. "W-What?"

"Who were you with?" the vampire repeats, his voice dropping an octave. "I can smell him on you." His scarlett eyes are flashing dangerously as the possessive monster inside him claws to get out.

"I was-mingyu just gave me a ride. He didn't want me to walk home alone at night, t-that's all."

"mingyu? Isn't that the guy you went on a date with?" He fails to contain the growl that rumbles in the back of his throat.

jungkook begins backing away until the back of his knees hit the edge of his bed. A strangled yelp escapes from his mouth when the vampire shoves him onto the mattress and pins him down with his hands either sides of his head. His glassy eyes are wide, trembling bottom lip is caught between his teeth as he stares up at the angry vampire.

taehyung feels the wrath coursing through his veins like venom. It consumes him and he hates it. Hates the fact that jungkook is looking at him with such fear in his eyes when just the other day he was smiling at him like he was just another normal person. The vampire tightens his grip around jungkook's slender wrists until the tears fall down his cheeks.

"You reek of him." He's nosing at the juncture his neck and shoulder, nipping at it roughly until he draws a bit of blood. He lets go of the human's hands to dig his fingers into his hips, his thighs, anywhere he can get his hands on. jungkook whimpers in pain as he squirms. He tries to push the taller off with no success. The demonic voice inside taehyung is telling him to take what's his. Take, take, take until there's nothing left. Until the human is broken so that no one else can have him ever again.

jungkook's sobbing now, hiccuping desperately as he struggles in the vampire's rough grasp. taehyung feels himself slipping off the edge, losing control. It terrifies him. Just one little push further and he'll break the human. He tries to force himself to let go. He can't. All he can hear is that nasty little voice inside his mind. Someone tried to take away what's mine. jungkook is mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

"P-Please-taehyung-" The smaller's panic-stricken voice cuts into his thoughts. "Not like this, p-please- I don't want it like this. Y-You're scaring me -"

taehyung wrenches himself off the smaller with so much force that he crashes back into the wall with a loud crack. He's panting almost as hard as jungkook now. Staring down at his hands disgusted with himself, he cenches them into fist to try to stop the trembling. He slides down the wall until he's sitting on the floor and starts pulling at his hair trying to snap out of his rage.

By the time he finds the courage to finally look up at the human, jungkook is sitting in the far right corner of the bed. He has his knees up to his chest and is wrapping his arms around himself in a protective manner. Tears fall from his wide, petrified eyes and down his red cheeks. His disheveled appearance is disheartening to see. Sweater all stretched out and hanging loosely off his shoulder, becoming stained with the blood that's dribbling from the small wound on his neck from the vampire's fangs.

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