chapter 40

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"What did jimin want to talk to you about today?"

taehyung leans against the doorway of the kitchen, watching jungkook as he looks through his fridge for something to eat for dinner. By the look of the vampire's now well rested face, he figures he finally listened to him and went home to sleep after his visit to the coffee shop.

"Just about Halloween. Did anything happen at the store?"

jungkook recalls his conversation with jin and decides it isn't worth mentioning. He doesn't want taehyung to become even more suspicious and get worked up about him if there's no real reason to. "No, everything was fine. But about the shop, you know how I said I didn't think it was a good idea for you to be there with me all day?" He hesitates before continuing. taehyung already didn't take it too well when he asked him to go home today, how is he going to react when he asks him to stop coming altogether, even if it's for his own good? "Well I didn't just mean today, I think you should stay home during the day from now on."

Immediately, taehyung's brows furrow and lips pull into a frown. "Why?"

"I told you it isn't safe. Even jimin's starting to notice that you're always around. Don't you think it'll be easy for you to attract unwanted attention since you just suddenly moved here and you're already acting kinda strange?"

"So I'm just supposed to sit here and do nothing while you're there with jin and mingyu?"

"You should be sleeping, taehyung. You don't sleep during the day anymore and you don't sleep at night either. I can tell you're tired and it worries me. And we're gone over this, they're not a danger to me. Especially not in a store full of witnesses."

The vampire sighs and buries his face into his hands, frustrated. "And what about if my brothers come after you again? And don't tell me you can protect yourself against them because we both know you can't."

jungkook flinches at his harsh tone. Of course he can't protect himself against yoongi and namjoon, but the way taehyung speaks to him as if he's completely helpless without him is maddening. He doesn't need a constant bodyguard, especially one who is in even more danger than he himself is.

"Y-You don't know they'll try to come again..."

The nervous stumbling of his words does not go unnoticed by the vampire. He narrows his eyes, studying jungkook's face. "Have they already come to see you again?" taehyung hisses, irises set ablaze, making jungkook take a startled step back.

"Is that what was bothering you last night? I thought we were over this after what happened last time, why'd you try to hide it from me again?"

This is perhaps the worst time to reveal what happened with his brothers. If taehyung hadn't figured it out on his own jungkook would've waited until tomorrow morning at least when the vampire was in a better mood to break it to him. "I-I don't know, I just- I was going to tell you today, but you were already in a bad mood and I didn't wanna make things worse..."

"You-" taehyung growls, stopping when he sees the panicked expression on the human's face. Closing his eyelids to veil his fiery red irises, he takes deep breaths in an attempt to cool his temper. "You should've told me the moment you got home," he says in a softer, yet still frustrated, tone this time.

"I know...I'm sorry."

"They don't care about humans jungkook. The only reason they haven't done anything to you yet is because they're trying to use you to get to me. They'll hurt you if they're given the chance, you can't hide things like this from me."

"Okay," jungkook says guiltily. "I'm sorry."

taehyung sighs. "What did they say to you this time?"

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