chapter 33

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Even though the sun is shining bright in the sky and he really should be asleep after the long night and morning he had, taehyung just can't clear his mind enough to relax. jimin's words haven't left his thoughts ever since he left the coffee shop an hour ago. There's so much he needs to consider now that his brothers are no longer there to help if something goes wrong- when something goes wrong if he doesn't find out who the hunter is.

His brothers. As much as his blood boils just at the thought of them going behind his back and going after jungkook, taehyung really wonders if he's ready to finally let them go. He had told them to stay out of his life because he was upset, but is he actually going to abandon them for a human? And what if yoongi was right about everything? What if he really can't live a normal life because whatever it is he's feeling isn't love and that the end is inevitable because of what they are.

The more he thinks about jimin's words, the more his concern grows. The way he spoke of love seemed like something from a fairytale, something unattainable, intangible that was created for humans to have something to play with and even they can't seem to understand it enough to explain it. None of it makes taehyung feel any better about what yoongi keeps trying to drill into his head, how their kind aren't capable of love. They've heard stories before, vampires falling for humans. That means it has to be possible, right? And if there are other vampires living in town, it most likely means they're staying with a human, which means it would be possible for him to stay with jungkook. taehyung tries to convince himself of this. He doesn't quite believe his own words, but he tries to push his doubts away. It doesn't work well. If even humans don't understand it, how the hell is a vampire supposed to?

Say he is capable of it, love and all that it brings. That doesn't guarantee anything. It doesn't guarantee that jungkook will love him back or want to stay with him. Or leave his entire life behind to move with him if they don't find the hunter.

The hunter. He's been so occupied with jungkook lately he hasn't even thought about how to deal with this whole hunter business. He won't have a chance to try to make things work with jungkook if he has a stake driven into his heart. Now that yoongi or namjoon are gone, if the hunter does find him he won't have anyone to help him, which means he needs to find whoever it is as soon as possible.

After trying to recall what clues might have been on jennie's body, he suddenly regrets allowing yoongi to light her corpse on fire. The only unusual thing he recalls is that it was a clean blow to the chest, almost no signs of struggle. Hunters, as skilled as they may be, are still human. There's no way they would've been able to attack her that easily without using something else to weaken her. And yet there were no signs of any other injuries. No silver bullets anywhere in her. It was done at night, so the sun wasn't a problem. There was no pool of blood around her, so the hunter couldn't have bled her out to weaken her. The only thing taehyung could think of is that she somehow drank blood from an already dead creature, therefore inducing a temporary deathlike state. But how would the hunter have convinced her to do that unless it was someone she knew and she was tricked into drinking it somehow.

taehyung didn't know who jennie knew, hell he didn't even know her. But what he does know is that she was with jin and had spoken to mingyu that night.

It's not difficult to find out where mingyu lives; jungkook keeps a list of addresses of customers who order from the store in a notebook on his desk. With everyone at work during the day it gives taehyung plenty of time to pop into his house to take a look around.

The teacher's house is on the opposite side of town only a couple blocks away from the high school. It sits on the corner of a quiet street where all the houses have beautiful green lawns and rose bushes behind their white picket fences. A picture perfect neighborhood for a picture perfect human. He can picture it now- mingyu coming home after a long day at school welcomed with open arms by an exuberant jungkook. jungkook would be smiling from ear to ear, a smile he's never given taehyung, not even once. They'd eat dinner together while talking ordinary topics like how their day went or how they should have a date night on the weekend- normal couple things. Not about how he needs to drink his blood to survive or that there's someone out there trying to kill him.

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