chapter 28

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jungkook has been unusually quiet ever since taehyung picked him up from work. The vampire wonders if jennie really meant that much to him. He recalls the human saying how bad of a worker she is. Shouldn't he be happy she's out his hair? He'll never understand humans.

"You closed earlier than usual tonight."

jungkook nods, "The police department set a curfew for everyone. Businesses have to close by ten now and everyone has to be indoors by eleven."

It bothers him that jungkook looks so dejected, spiritless, yet he doesn't know how to fix it. He's never had to cheer anyone up before, nor has he ever felt the urge to want to lighten anyone's mood. He's never cared enough about anyone. It's a strange feeling. It's also an annoying one. The fact that someone else's mood can affect him so much is rather irritating. How do humans deal with this all the time, he wonders.

"Hey, taehyung."

The vampire looks at him, giving him his undivided attention.

"Have you guys gotten any closer to finding out who the hunter is?"

"No. We're trying to lay low for now. namjoon thinks it's too risky to be going around trying to get information out of people right now since it could be anybody."

"And what if you can't find them?" he pauses, staring down at his hands in his lap, refusing to meet the taller's eyes. "What are you going to do?"

taehyung takes a seat next to him on the couch close enough that their thighs are almost touching. He senses the human tense up and his brows pull together in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I-I mean, what if you guys don't find the hunter? It won't be safe for you to stay, right?"

It feels like a punch in the chest, especially after the night before, when the human had said he was worried about him. Has he already changed his mind? Is taehyung stupid to think the human could actually care for him after all the terrible things he's done? "Do you want me to leave?" he asks quietly, not sure if he's ready to hear the answer.

jungkook immediately shakes his head. His head his is still hanging low, face hidden by his hair, but taehyung notices the single tear that drips onto his clenched fist. All he wants to do is wrap jungkook in arms and assure him that everything will be okay, only he can't find it himself to actually do it. He doesn't know if everything will be okay. And that is the part that kills him the most. He can't promise jungkook a perfect, happy life. Not when he's a vampire. Not when he only brings misery and death wherever he goes. When he has someone like yoongi as family. When he's a monster.

"I d-don't want you leave," jungkook says in a small, choked up voice.

It's a gut-wrenching sound, makes taehyung feel even more shitty than he already does. He never should have involved the human in any of this. Even though jungkook says he doesn't want him to leave, they both know it would better if he does. It would solve all their problems. Despite all this, the thought of actually leaving is one he can't even try to entertain in this very moment. How could he possibly leave after jungkook said that? There's still so many things they haven't done. He still needs to get him that new coffee table he promised.

The vampire gently places his hand on jungkook's cheek and turns his head to face him. Wet eyes, tear stained cheeks, and pouty lips finally reveal themselves. "Then I won't."


The best thing about hoseok's and jimin's coffee shop is that it always smells of freshly brewed espresso and sweet pastries. jungkook's never liked the taste of coffee, but he absolutely adores the smell.

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