chapter 3

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namjoon is right; human's really are naive. jeongguk really should've stopped working the night shifts, especially since he's been having the feeling of being watched for the past few weeks. especially with a killer running around rampant. it is fortunate for taehyung that jeongguk is that naive. naive to think that his quaint little bookstore can keep him safe from whatever lurks outside in the darkness. naive to think that walking home with friends can save him from whoever is killing all those innocent lives.

lucky for jeongguk, taehyung isn't as ruthless as yoongi. or maybe he is. maybe taehyung is even more sadistic, in a way, for watching his prey like a little mouse in its cage. unsuspecting and helpless, not knowing it's death is inevitable. it's as if he's playing with his food. perhaps taehyung is even more cruel then the others by luring jeongguk into this false sense of hope that he is safe instead of simply ending his life, quick and painless in his sleep.

it has only been about three days since yoongi and namjoon found out about the human. much to taehyung's surprise, nether of them asked too many questions about the whole ordeal. though it's most likely because they both knew taehyung wouldn't have much to say about it at all. he has always been the quiet one.

this night is no different from any other night. the three of them feed on some poor defenseless victims lost in the woods and then it is time for taehyung to head to the shop. looking through the large windows in the storefront, he watches jeongguk shelve the stack of books on the cart. the human stands up on the tips of his toes trying to reach the top shelf, his face contorting into a look of frustration and when he can't do so. cute, taehyung thinks.

a taller man that taehyung recognizes as jeongguk's coworker comes out from behind the bookshelf, smiling down at the shorter before helping him grab the book. jeongguk accepts it with a shy smile and the taller rests his hands on the shorter's shoulder. the vampire's brows furrow and his lips pulled into a frown as he steps a bit closer to study the interaction between the two.

jeongguk looks up at his coworker as he listens to him speak. the vampire's knuckles whitened as he clenches his fists by his sides when he sees the man drop his hand from jungkook's shoulder and subtly ran it down the side of his body. jeongguk didn't suspect a thing, can't see the man's umpire intentions hidden behind the phony smile, but taehyung can.

taehyung can tell the what the man really wants to do to his jeongguk. this is why the human needs taehyung to watch over him. jeongguk is too oblivious. to trusting, unjaded like a wild-eyed baby deer. he doesn't know the evil that people are capable of and it is taehyung's job to defile him. taehyung should be then one to dirty jeongguk's pristine and untainted body. not some pathetic human.

he would just have to kill his coworker later, taehyung decides as he watched the man walk into back storage room. when he finds jeongguk again, he was talking to yet another man. taehyung almost growls in rage when he realizes who it is. he roughly pulls his hood over his head and puts on a pair of sunglasses to cover his ruby eyes before making his way to the entrance of the shop.

jeongguk doesn't even notice him walk in, too distracted conversing with the short, black haired man clothes in all black. "yoongi," taehyung says angrily, interrupting their conversation. taehyung keeps his head low, his hood casting a shadow on the upper half of his face so the human can't catch a glimpse of who he is. fuck yoongi, fuck him and his carlessness.

yoongi turns around to greet him with a wide smile, his fangs retracted. his eyes are hidden behind dark lenses, but taehyung knows they are gleaming with devilry. "ah, taehyung. I was just talking to little jeonggukie here about you, you know, about how you love vampire novels. he recommended some to me, wanna check them out?". taehyung wants to punch that stupid smirk off the others face. jeongguk looks up at the both of them with a nervous and confused smile, most likely wondering why they're sunglasses at ten o'clock at night.

"no, I don't. I want to fucking leave." from his peripheral, he can see jeongguk flinch at his harsh tone.

"come on, taehyung. don't be a downer. I like talking to jeongguk. you like talking to me too, don't you jeongguk?"

jeongguk flushes, looking terribly uneasy from being caught up in between what seemed to be a tense situation. "oh uhm- I don't mind if you have to go," he nervously chuckles.

"why don't you run along and get me that book you were telling me about hmm?"

the human quickly nods before scurrying off into the back room. once he is sure the human can no longer hear or see them, taehyung drags yoongi out of the shop by an arm. yoongi is older, more hot headed and wild, but taehyung is stronger. always has been, despite being the youngest of the three.

"I told you to stay away from him," taehyung hisses.

yoongi doesn't look apologetic whatsoever, in fact he looks rather proud. proud that he got such an entertaining reaction out of the usually indifferent taehyung, which antagonizes said vampire even more. "you told me not to touch him. I didn't lay a hand on him, did I? in fact, you should be thanking me for not doing anything to him!" the elder bellowed obnoxiously. "he was so small and weak. I could've snapped his little neck just like that, but I didn't, did I? because I'm a good friend."

good friend my ass, taehyung thinks. "whatever," he scoffs. "why the fuck were you even there?"

"lighten up, taehyung. I just wanted to see what was so special about him."

taehyung stares with cautious eyes as the elde paces around nonchalantly in the darkness. "and you know what? I think I can see why you like him so much. he's cute, you should have seen those big, innocent brown eyes up close," yoongi says almost mockingly. "it was like he was begging me to eat him up."

it happens so quick, yoongi doesn't have time to defend himself or retaliate when he's suddenly slammed against the hard brick wall. taehyung fists the elders shirt as he pushes him harder against the wall, his knuckles turning white when he tightens his grip. "if you ever fucking touch him, I swear to-"

"you'll what? what the fuck is wrong with you exactly, you're choosing him over me? we're basically brothers and you're choosing some stupid human over me?" yoongi barks.

"I'm not choosing him over anything. you're the one that started it. you just wanted to rile me up because that's how you fucking are. you always want to create messes and namjoon and I always have to be the one to clean them up," taehyung growls, looking absolutely livid.

It is namjoon that wrenches taehyung off of yoongi and holds them both back from tearing at each other's throats. "stop it, you two. yoongi would you please tell taehyung you're not going to do anything to the human," namjoon sighs. "and stop trying to kill each other."

the eldest rolls his eyes and scoffs, "of course I'm not going to do anything to him. I'm not completely heartless."

"there, happy taehyung?"

taehyung isn't sure if he entirely believes the elder's words. he knows, for the most part, that yoongi would never do anything to betray him. but that doesn't mean he isn't upset anymore. he angrily mutters a "whatever" before leaving the two behind. he needs to go somewhere to calm down and he knows just the place.


It is almost midnight when jeongguk finally makes it back to the safety of his home. silence greets him once he steps through the front door. after a long day of work, especially with that whole awkward situation with two of his customers, he has never felt more relieved to be back home. he still wonders what happened to them; once he came back with the book the two were nowhere to be found. why where they wearing sunglasses at night? "strange," he muses aloud. pushing the thought away, he shrugs off his coat and throws his bag into the dining table before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

it feels as if his body melted into the soft mattress once he finally climbs under the sheets. he takes off his glasses, sets them on the nightstand and is about to turn off the lamp when that familiar, eerie feeling of paranoia runs down his spine. he sits incredibly still, waiting to see if he can hear anything.

nothing. he sees nothing. he hears nothing. he quietly laughs at himself. "I must be losing my mind," he whispers. it isn't until he turns off the lights and settles comfortably into bed does he see the terrifying sight of flowing scarlet eyes staring down at him.

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