chapter 34

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Halloween is just around the corner, which means there are already children running around the street in their adorable little costumes- princesses, superheroes, and jungkook's favorite- vampires. Yesterday while he and taehyung were walking home they ran into a mother and her little six year old who was already in his dracula cape and fake fangs. taehyung was eyeing the child with the most perplexed, yet adorable expression. jungkook found the whole situation very amusing.

Unfortunately for jin, taehyung's been coming to shop earlier than normal just to hang around until closing time, hovering over jungkook more so than usual. The palpable tension between the two men makes jungkook uneasy and he almost wants to ask taehyung to stop coming around so much. He holds his tongue knowing very well that the conversation wouldn't have a happy ending. jin is even more attentive of him now that taehyung is always around. It's suffocating, to say the least. Thankfully, jungkook's had his hands full with training lisa on how to work the register. She doesn't seem like she's ever worked a day in her life, but jungkook just hopes she'll be better than jennie and that she doesn't end up like her.

The more he thinks about jennie, the more his anxiety grows. Something about the whole thing just didn't make sense. How could she have gotten killed right here at the store without jin knowing if he was with her that night? How could the hunter have possibly done it that quickly and quietly, especially with everyone on such high alert?

Had the person who killed her been frequenting the store, quietly watching her from between the bookcases to make sure she was actually a vampire? And if so, have they already found out about taehyung? If they already have caught on about taehyung, it's strange that they haven't tried to come after him yet. They had gone after jennie, a young vampire who seems to have done nothing wrong, with no hesitation. Why not go after taehyung? Anyone with eyes could see that taehyung is way more of a threat to the town than jennie. Besides jennie's work ethic, or lack thereof, jungkook didn't find her any less normal than any other person who comes into the store. She was nothing like taehyung or his brothers. She didn't have that underlying formidable and intimidating aura about her. To jungkook, she had just seemed like a normal, sometimes a bit bratty, young girl who hated her boring part-time job. Whoever killed her had to have gone out of their way to put her under a magnifying glass. But who?

He steals a glance at jin who's helping an old couple find a book for their granddaughter. There's no way it could've been him, right? jungkook feels guilty for even considering his co-worker as a potential suspect. They've known and worked with each other for years and jin's been nothing but kind to him. But it just doesn't make any sense how he didn't see or hear anything when jennie went missing. jungkook shakes any of the thoughts out of his mind for the time being. He's being ridiculous, he tells himself. jin is his friend. There's no way he can be a vampire hunter. No, he's just being paranoid. Sure jin didn't like jennie, nor does he like taehyung, but he isn't a killer.

Now that he thinks about it, why was jennie even working here? Do vampires usually work? There are so many questions that he'll never know the answer to now that she's gone. How long has she been living in town? Does she have family here? Are they looking for her? Who else in town is a vampire? Before she was found out by the hunter, jennie was living a seemingly normal human life even with her secret. That means that anyone else in town could also be doing the same. As much as he wants to make things work with taehyung, jungkook isn't foolish, even if that's how vampires try to make him out to be. He knows namjoon is right about many things- jungkook doesn't know much about them, he doesn't know what they're fully capable of, how many people they've killed. taehyung could very well grow bored of him one day and want to kill him and he can easily kill him, if he wanted to. jungkook has doubted whether or not he could ever return to a normal life with someone like taehyung. He knows it's foolish and naive to think that he and taehyung could live happily ever after, a picture perfect life.

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