chapter 8

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the air coming in through the open window is terribly cold, nips at the bare skin of his arms and he wonders why he didn't close it before he went to sleep last night. despite the chilly air, his skin feels as if he's on fire. maybe he's sick, a fever. or maybe it's because of the recurring dream he's had for the past few weeks.

he's almost positive it's the latter. it's almost the same every night. he's lying in his own bed, it's soaking with sweat. he feels like he can't breathe. there's a weight pressing down on him, a body. a man's body. then there's large, cold hands wrapping around his wrists. wrapped so tight he's not able to move, not even a little. he feels a hardness pressing against his inner thigh and he hears a pathetic whimper. he registers that it's him making that sound and his face burns with humiliation. the man's breath ghosts his neck and he shivers. "I've been waiting for this for so long," the man's low, raspy voice would always say. it's a nice voice, although a scary one. jeongguk feels like he's forgotten how to breathe and suddenly there's a sharp pain at the base of his neck.

it's always at this point in the dream when he jolts awake, a confused and sweaty mess tangled in his sheets. the clock on his nightstand reads four a.m. the red hue of the numbers is the same of the red eyes that haunt his dreams. he wonders if he's ever going to have a good night's sleep.


he hasn't told jimin or hoseok about it. he hasn't told anyone, though he's not sure why. any normal person most likely would have ran to the police station to report there's a fucking vampire running around town killing everyone. not that he could've gone anywhere that morning 2 months ago. his body was so sore, felt so weak. weaker then he's ever felt in his life. not to mention the ugly bruises on his hips and waist plus the bites on his neck and shoulders. he had to call jin and tell him he's sick and that he wasn't going to be able to come into work for the next couple days.

the vampire's note had him quite shaken up for a while. what exactly did he mean when he said he would back for him? back to do what? to finish the job and make sure jeongguk's dead in a ditch somewhere? his neck slashed and all the blood absent from his body, no one would know who did it. no one would ever find the culprit. jimin and hoseok would be devastated to hear the news.

no one would ever believe him even if he tried to warn the town. he'd become the boy who cried vampire and be sent to the psych ward no doubt. the police are so sure the person behind all the murders is some psycho that skipped town once the town started to become more alert, hence the dramatic dwindling number of bodies being found.

even if anyone did believe him, he's too paranoid and scared that taehyung would somehow find out he exposed him to the town and come back to kill him. for real this time. if taehyung wasn't planning on killing him before, he'd do it now if jeongguk went to the police. it would probably be slow and painful, punishment for ratting him out. jeongguk wasn't ready to die that night and he sure isn't ready now. he just got promoted to manager of the bookstore and it would be an absolute waste.

the good news is that he no longer feels like he's being watched. he supposed it's due to the fact that his stalker disappeared just as his mysterious note implied. the bad news is that jeongguk still can't rest easy. not when every time he closes his eyes all he can think about it the vampires heavy hands on his body and his sinful mouth at his neck. not with the frightening thought that taehyung could come back any day and potentially violently murder him in his sleep. his heart starts racing and he's not sure if it's the thought of taehyung's hands gripping his thighs or taehyung ripping his head off. sometimes he thinks he's sick for remembering how he felt that night. how taehyung felt inside him. how the taller's rough hands felt on his sensitive skin and how his hurried mouth felt on his nape. he almost shudders at the memory.

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