chapter 24

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His conversation with taehyung didn't go on for much longer last night. The vampire had told him it was getting late and that he should probably get some sleep since he had to work the next day. jungkook reluctantly agreed, knowing very well that yes he needed rest, but he also didn't want to end the night without learning more about him. Not that he could even get much sleep after the eventful day he had.

It's morning now. The birds are chirping outside his window and the sun is high up in the sky as he picks out an outfit for the day. He ends up going with a sky blue turtleneck sweater even though it's definitely way too warm out to hide all the bite marks. His sweater from last night is stained with drops of blood. He swallows the lump in his throat before shoving it deep down into the hamper.

taehyung's sitting on the couch when he comes out to make breakfast. The vampire looks rather irritated at whatever he's reading in the newspaper, but he quickly folds it up and tucks it away once he sees jungkook.

"Getting ready for work?"

jungkook nods. There's so much on his mind he feels like he's on autopilot. One minute he's grabbing the carton of eggs out of the fridge and the next he finds himself sitting at the table with a plate of two sunny side up eggs and a slice of whole wheat toast. He doesn't have much of an appetite, but the forces the food down anyway.

Just as he's about to go out the front door, the vampire suddenly appears in front of him, blocking the exit. taehyung gently takes the shorter's hand in his, causing him to flinch in surprise at the touch, but he immediately relaxes and allows the vampire to slowly pulls down his sleeves to take a look at his wrists. jungkook keeps his gaze on the floor, somewhat ashamed, even though he has no reason to be. "Do they hurt?" The vampire's voice is quiet, cautious. A small frown pulls at his lips instinctively upon him seeing the bruising around the slender wrists.

The shorter shakes his head. "no. they're not as bad as they look. I just bruise easily, that's all."

"I'm sorry." taehyung really does sound like he means it.

"You already apologized last night."

"I know," the taller sighs. "But I shouldn't have hurt you."

jungkook doesn't say anything. He's not sure what to say. He almost wants to say "it's okay" but he just can't bring himself to do it. Last night terrified him. He can't say everything's okay, because it isn't. He believes taehyung when he said he didn't mean to hurt him. The sincerity in his voice was too real to be faked. The thing that still frightens him is the possibility of the vampire losing control again. There's still a lot he doesn't understand about vampires, but he just doesn't understand what taehyung means when he said he doesn't know how to control whatever's inside him.

Last night was such a whirlwind. taehyung had him convinced he didn't want to hurt him and he believes him, at least that's what he tells himself. The thing that makes it difficult to do so is the fact that the vampire was so different when they first met. taehyung had threatened him and said such terrifying things. Did he mean all those things? Is there a side to him that wants to see him dead and if there is, will that side eventually take over? jungkook wants to know more, wants to learn everything about the vampire, so that he's not confused and living in fear all the time. He just doesn't know exactly how to get the other to open up to him.

"You didn't mean to," he says after a moment of silence. "You just scared me a little."

There's an apologetic look in the taller's eyes that he's never seen before. This is all so strange to him. taehyung being apologetic and all. He's not sure what to say.

"Should I walk you to work?"

"Are you sure? What about the sun?"

The vampire nods. "Won't kill me, remember?"

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