chapter 13

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As soon as jimin's gone, taehyung essentially throws himself at the human against the door. jeongguk gasps as he's hoisted up by strong arms underneath his thighs. The vampire's lips find his own quicker than he has time to react. taehyung's a bit more hurried now, more commanding than before like he's been waiting forever to touch him again, but there's still an underlying gentleness in his touches. jeongguk can feel it.

The shorter holds onto the vampire's shoulders, supporting himself even though he knows taehyung can easily keep him up without dropping him anytime soon. The taller makes a low, guttural sound in the back of his throat as he digs his fingers into the human's plump thighs and peppers his neck in kisses. "Do you know how hard it is to see you everyday and not touch you?" he groans.

jeongguk whines as the taller emphasizes his words by thrusting his hardness against his ass. His face warms at the other's words.

"Everytime I see you I think of that night."

he doesn't need him to clarify; he knows what night taehyung's talking about, because he thinks about that night too. often. far too often.

"I think about the cute sounds you made." The vampire keeps jeongguk lifted up with one arm as he pulls the shorter's beloved turtleneck off with the other. "How you called out my name."

jeongguk head feels light and his body feels hot. too hot. taehyung continues to grind against the other's ass, more forceful now, like he wants him to feel it as much as he can through his pants. "remember how you called out my name, hmm?" he teases.

"P-Please," jeongguk whines breathily. A low growl rumbles in the vampire's chest in response, as if he knows exactly what the human's asking for even though jeongguk himself isn't sure what he wants. He feels lost, like he's in a dream and he has no control over his own body. He's completely at the vampire's mercy.

taehyung carries him back to the couch, too impatient to go all the way into the bedroom. He sets him down and keeps himself propped up over the human with his arms on either sides of his head. jeongguk's breathing is labored as he stares up into the vampire's eyes.

taehyung looks at him for minute, his own breathing ragged before finally saying, "Are you still scared?"

The tone of his voice is different from the way he asked it their first night. Last time he sounded mischievous, cruel. Now he sounds like he's sincerely asking, as if he doesn't jeongguk to run away and the human's not sure what to think, how to feel.

"no," jeongguk says, shaking his head. And he means it. A look of what seems to be faint surprise overtakes the taller's face and it's the first time jeongguk's ever seen taehyung's eyes soften like this. sure, taehyung still frightens him at times. He's a vampire that's more than capable of killing him at anytime, for god's sake. But in this moment right now, he feels like he's in more danger of himself than taehyung. His body is too sensitive to the vampire's touches and it has his head spinning.

The butterflies are back in the pit of his stomach and his heart races, not from fear this time. They keep their eyes locked for a moment before the vampire leans down to nuzzle into the crook of jeongguk's neck. The shorter shudders when he feels taehyung's nose and lips against his skin. taehyung takes a deep breath, seems as if he's trying to compose himself and when he pulls back up he has a wavering expression on his face like he's contemplating something.

jeongguk slightly frowns in concern at the other's sudden change in mood. He's about to ask him if he's okay when the vampire pushes himself off the couch and buries his face in his hands.

"I have to go," he sighs. "I'll see you tomorrow."

jeongguk nods disappointedly, doesn't have time to ask him why or even say goodbye as the vampire exits his house. His mind fills with questions of what just happened, if he did something to upset the other. If taehyung is finally bored of him. As he sits alone in silence, he feels a dull ache in his chest, though he's not exactly sure why he feels so hurt.


He's apologized a million times. jimin still continues to sulk as he crosses his arms and frowns at him while hoseok rubs soothing circles on his back, trying to placate him.

"I'm sorry, okay jimin? How many times do I have to say it?" he sighs.

"I just can't believe you didn't tell me," his best friend grumbles. "Almost ten years of friendship and this is what I get."

jeongguk knows the other will eventually forgive him, he always does. And then he'll want to hear every single juicy detail because he's a nosy little troll. Not that jungkook could blame him though. If jimin had been hiding a hot guy in his house, jeongguk would've been as equally bitter and curious.

"Go on then," jimin says. "Tell us everything."

jeongguk really wishes he could tell them everything. He wouldn't know how to start even if he could. "It's not even that big of a deal."

jimin and hoseok both look unconvinced. "Not a big deal? You've had us believing you've been some celibate workaholic and now I found you hooking up with mysterious hottie in your house and you're telling me it's not a big deal?"

He sighs, "I mean, we're not that serious. We're just uhm, seeing each other casually."

It's not a complete lie. The definition of their relationship is still extremely unclear, even to himself. How is he supposed to explain it to others?

"How long has it been going on for?" hoseok asks.

"How did you guys even meet?" jimin quickly adds.

"We met at the store a few months ago. He was a customer and it's only been going on for a few weeks."

"Well, do you like him?"

The question weighs heavily in his mind. He should say yes, for the sake of this entire lie he's told, but he can't help actually considering it. He doesn't think he can say, without hesitation, that he likes taehyung, but he also can't say he doesn't like him. It's all terribly confusing, his emotions and feelings, all those horrible things humans have.

Instead of saying what they want to hear, he simply says, "I don't know." His own answer bothers him a lot more than he thought it would.

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