chapter 12

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the entire day is spent dreading the night to come. jeongguk basically counts down the minutes until mingyu's, and probably his own, inevitable doom. jimin is unusually excited, more than he should be considering he's not the one going on the date. jeongguk thinks it's because he's been together with hoseok for so long he misses the thrill of the first date.

he helps him get ready, picks out an outfit for him and everything. jimin picks out a black v-neck sweater that jeongguk hasn't worn in years, says how his neck and clavicle are some of his best features and he needs to show them off. jeongguk is adamant about wearing a turtle instead considering the marks taehyung left the other day are still very visible and that's not exactly a great conversation topic for a first date.

"it's your first date in years and you're wearing a turtleneck? no, absolutely not. I'm not allowing it. you have to show some skin! entice him!"

the last thing he needs is to give mingyu more of a reason to try to make a move on him. taehyung's nowhere to be found right now, but there's no doubt that he'll come out from nowhere and rip mingyu's arms clear off his body if he even tries to touch a hair on his head. now that he thinks about it, it's unusual that the vampire's been MIA all day. jeongguk would've expected him to give him a stern talking-to before his date. part of him is worried taehyung's gone off to hunt mingyu down already.

he pushes the thought away while he fights off jimin, who's trying to rip his sweater off his body. "get off me, you psycho! it's gonna be cold outside, i'll wear whatever i want!"

The other eventually lets off once jeongguk flicks his forehead. "your's totally wasting your opportunity to be a manwhore," jimin pouts. "how are you ever gonna get into mingyu's pants while dressing like that? I heard he's got a huge- "

jeongguk quickly interrupts his friend's big mouth. "please leave me and my beautiful turtleneck alone. besides, I'm not gonna sleep with him on the first date!"

jimin whines and rolls his eyes. "How boring."


if jeongguk wasn't so worried about a certain vampire watching him, he would definitely take his time to admire mingyu's appearance. his black hair is slicked back and he's dressed in a white t-shirt, a dark wash denim jacket, and black jeans. it's such a simple outfit, but he looks good. really good.

he's as nice as jeongguk remembered, an absolute gentleman and it makes the churning in his stomach worse because he doesn't want to see him get hurt. the italian restaurant mingyu takes him to is a cute little mom and pop place he's never been to before. it's small with about only four tables inside and two outside with old family photographs and warm toned paintings hung all over the red brick walls. they decide to sit outside to enjoy the fresh air and jeongguk's glad he chose to wear the turtleneck because the wind is rather chilly.

it's a relief when mingyu sits across from him. it'll be a lot more difficult for him to make a move if he's sitting so far away. It's a shame he can't enjoy some physical contact with such a handsome boy, jeongguk thinks.

he spends the night quite paranoid, constantly looking around instead of focusing on what his date is saying. he anxiously bounces his legs as they wait for their food to come out. he just wants to hurry and finish his fettuccine alfredo and go home before taehyung pops out of nowhere and creates a bloody mess.

"are you okay? you seem worried," mingyu asks with genuine concern on his face. jeongguk forces his lips into a smile. he feels really guilty for wasting the other's time.

"sorry, i'm just," he sighs. "just nervous, i guess. i haven't gone out in a date in a while."

mingyu smiles reassuringly and jeongguk almost melts at the sight of his dimple. "it's okay, i'll take it easy on you," the other chuckles.

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