chapter 41

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taehyung doesn't leave the room until the human falls asleep. It doesn't take too long after the long and exhausting night he's had. When taehyung comes out to the living room, namjoon is already there helping yoongi with the bullets wedged deep in his flesh.

"How'd you know he was here?"

"Where else would he have gone?" namjoon says. "I came back and saw all the blood and broken windows. There wasn't a body anywhere, so I figured he went to find you."

"You see anyone there?" yoongi asks after downing his third blood bag.

taehyung gives him a dirty look, still upset about the fact that he fed from jungkook. Even after a fucking near death experience he has the time and energy to be an asshole. It's impressive, really.

namjoon shakes his head. "No, whoever it was left before I got back. they're good. didn't even leave any tracks behind."

"Not that good apparently if they couldn't even aim properly," taehyung scoffs.

"God, when I get my hands on that son of a bitch," yoongi grumbles. "they're gonna wish they fucking killed me the first time."

"But this means that we don't have as much time as I thought. How'd they even know you were there?" namjoon asks.

namjoon's right. How did the hunter know yoongi was there? Was yoongi even the one they were after? Or were they there for him and yoongi just happened to get caught in the crossfire? No one even knows about taehyung staying there. Not that he knows of anyway. There's the possibility that the hunter is related to the man who used to live there. Maybe they were coming to visit him and realized that he had been killed by vampires. Or perhaps the hunter had been onto yoongi and followed him home one day, though taehyung doubts yoongi ever goes anywhere around humans enough to be noticed. Had the hunter really been looking for him? Is it someone from the bookstore who discovered where he's staying and finally chose now to attack?

"Does anyone know about where you live, taehyung?" namjoon asks.

"No, not even jungkook."

"I don't know if they were trying to kill you or yoongi, but this means none of us can go back there. And you have to start being more careful about who you're around taehyung. This was probably someone who's been following you around waiting for the perfect time to strike."

'Start being more careful about who you're around' he says. namjoon doesn't want to say it out loud, but taehyung knows he means jungkook. From day one namjoon has never trusted the human. He hasn't forgotten about the time namjoon and yoongi suggested that jungkook might be working with the hunter and trying to lure them all into a trap. How dare they try to accuse him of such a thing when they don't even know anything about him. This whole time jungkook has been defending him and giving them the benefit of the doubt while they were trying to find a way to get rid of him for an offense he hasn't even committed yet. They don't deserve the human's compassion.

taehyung scoffs, "How do they know they weren't after yoongi? And don't say that like you're just talking about random people, I know you're talking about jungkook. This has nothing to do with him."

"I didn't say it did," namjoon says calmly, trying to avoid another argument.

"You didn't have to, I can tell what you're getting at. He wasn't involved in this. He just fucking tried to helped yoongi, didn't he? What's it going to take for you to get that he's not the bad guy?"

namjoon sighs, "taehyung, I know he told you about what happened, we heard everything. We were just trying to find the best way to protect you. You can't be mad at us for trying to stop you from risking your life."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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