chapter 38

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taehyung has developed a habit of treating him like he's some fragile little creature, jungkook's noticed. Well, he's always been somewhat aware of it, but it wasn't until now with all the danger lurking that it had become obvious.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," the vampire says regretfully as he lightly touches the bruises on jungkook's thighs.

"You didn't," jungkook says, pulling away so he could finish getting dressed before taehyung beat himself up any further. "I just bruise easily."

taehyung frowns, "I tried not to be so rough."

"You weren't, if it hurt I would've stopped you."

taehyung treating him this way had never bothered him too much before. In fact, it's nice that he's so concerned about hurting him. But after their talk last night, jungkook can't help but feel anxious that taehyung sees him as a helpless little porcelain doll. The vampire is obviously keeping information about the hunters and other vampires from him so as not to worry him. And even if he did find the hunter, he probably wouldn't even tell him, which is horrible considering if something were to happen, jungkook would have no way of knowing.

It's already frustrating enough knowing he doesn't have the physical strength to help taehyung in a dangerous situation. It doesn't help that taehyung refuses to keep him in the loop simply because he doesn't think he can handle it. Everytime jungkook asks him what's wrong, taehyung says something along the lines of 'don't worry about it.' Doesn't he know that response always makes one even more worried than before? They're supposed to be in this together, god damn it. His friends don't have the slightest idea of what's going on and yoongi and namjoon certainly aren't on their, or rather his , side. All they have is each other and how exactly are they supposed to work as a team if taehyung doesn't ever let him know what's going on?

jungkook thinks back to the whole yoongi and namjoon dilemma. This whole time he's been preaching honesty and communication and how taehyung needs to stop treating him like a child who can't handle information when he's been doing the exact same thing to him. The guilt eats him alive. Here taehyung was, worrying about him being upset when jungkook was literally about to lie to his face and kick him out because of what his brothers said. He's a fucking hyprocrite, he admits to himself. The fact that he was even considering telling taehyung he didn't want him around anymore when taehyung's been trying so hard to change and make their lives work makes him feel like an asshole.  He should've told taehyung about his brothers the first time they came to him. Why didn't he?

It would've saved them all so much trouble. taehyung wouldn't have gotten so upset with him and maybe he could've convinced them to leave peacefully or something besides threatening him to leave taehyung. He should've told taehyung about his encounter with them yesterday when he asked what was wrong. There's just already so much bad blood between them that jungkook doesn't want to put more strain on their relationship. Even if namjoon and yoongi did threaten him and his friends, in the end it's all for taehyung's sake, isn't it?

taehyung may act like he doesn't have a family who cares for him, but yoongi and namjoon obviously care enough to go out of their way and do all this. Just like yoongi had said, they're his only family and no matter how incredibly frightening they are, jungkook doesn't want to be the reason for them breaking apart. taehyung's childhood already seems to be sad enough from what little information he's told him. He might think he doesn't need his brothers now, but jungkook knows in the future taehyung will probably miss having them around.

If he tells taehyung what happened yesterday, the vampire will be absolutely livid. jungkook's sure of it. Just the thought of an angry taehyung makes him reconsider revealing the truth. But if he wants taehyung to be honest with him, shouldn't he start being honest too? And who knows, maybe he'll be able to convince the vampire to re-evaluate his decision of kicking his brothers out of his life forever. Maybe it'll stop yoongi and namjoon from coming to kill him once they find out he didn't break it off with taehyung.

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