chapter 15

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The house is a mess, not at all how he left it earlier. yoongi's never had respect for people's property nor privacy. The living room looks like it's been ransacked by robbers and namjoon looks like the poor home owner that was attacked, unconscious body slung carelessly over top of the loveseat.

There's a trail of blood starting from the front door that leads to the bedroom. taehyung safety assumes the eldest vampire found himself a little snack while waiting for him to come and for namjoon to wake up. He'll probably have to be the one that has to clean up the body later. namjoon isn't too happy once he finally gains consciousness, not that taehyung can blame him. Even though it doesn't kill them, getting their necks snapped isn't exactly the best feeling in the world.

"yoongi, I swear if you fucking do that again," namjoon hisses. taehyung almost wants to laugh. It's rare that he gets the pleasure of seeing namjoon this angry. yoongi rolls his eyes. Flippant, self absorbed asshole.

"I had to," the eldest shrugs. "You would've stopped me."

"Yeah I would have, because there was no reason for you to go and antagonize taehyung even more than you already did."

yoongi shoots the youngest a smug grin. "But it was fun."

taehyung's eyes flashes in warning and namjoon intercepts once again. "Okay, okay. Enough. taehyung we just came back to see if you were okay. We thought you would've come back by now."

"Come back where?" the youngest scoffs.

"To your family? Fuck, taehyung have a heart," yoongi says.

"Family? Coming from you, that's rich. Why should I even think of you as family after all the shit you've done to me?"

Typical of yoongi to betray him once again and then act like everything's fine, like they're all one happy family with no problems.

"You know what I mean taehyung," namjoon says. "Come back home, with us, where it's safe so we know you're not out there somewhere being killed by a bunch of angry villagers or hunters."

"We don't have a home, namjoon!"

namjoon looks taken aback. It's silent for a few seconds before taehyung speaks up again. "We've never had a fucking home. Not even with our parents! We were raised to kill. To be monsters. To feel nothing. You guys always talk about being a family, but you guys don't even fucking know what a family is!" he barked.

"All we fucking do is kill and then move onto the next town. How is that having a home? Doesn't that ever bother you guys? Don't you guys ever want more?"

The tension is thick in the air. The eldest vampire sits back in his chair, trying to look indifferent, but taehyung can tell his words bother him. The look on namjoon's face is one mixed of distraughtness and confusion, like he doesn't understand a word the younger is saying.

"taehyung where is this coming from?" namjoon asks, his voice quiet as if one wrong word can trigger the ticking bomb that is taehyung.

"Is this about that human? I didn't realize he meant so much to you, fuck. I'll leave him alone," the eldest says. He sounds like he genuinely means it, but it doesn't make taehyung feel any better.

"And what do you mean by 'more'? More what? We're vampires, taehyung. This is how we were raised, we know nothing else."

The youngest scoffs incredulously. "You'll never get it. You've never even understood why I liked jungkook so much. I know we were raised to think humans were pathetic and naive, but don't you ever look at them and wonder what it would be like?"

yoongi and namjoon give him a confused look before the eldest asks, "What what would be like?"

"I mean don't you ever look at humans and wonder what it would be like to actually feel. And I mean really feel, not just anger or animosity or the need to kill. Don't you ever wonder what it's like to feel joy? Or hope? Love? Or wonder what it's like to have family that actually cares about you? To have friends? To do things for fun other than just killing some helpless human because we need to feed?"

They look at him like he's a mad man. He can't blame them, he knows he sounds like he's out of his damn mind. They were born like this. They were raised like this. namjoon is right, it's all they've ever known, so they have no reason to question it all. It's completely normal for them to have no sympathy or empathy for humans. They were raised to be cold blooded killers; their only goal is to feed so they can survive.

taehyung knows all of this, but when he watches the humans from afar he always wondered what the other side would be like. What being human would be like. When he looks at jungkook, he sees warmth. It's the reason why he was so intrigued by him in the first place. jungkook is different from anything he's ever had in his life. He's not involved with the cruel, darkness of their world. He has a pure heart, taehyung can feel it. He wonders what it's like to still have such hope and faith in a world filled with savagery and despair. Around the human he doesn't feel like the total monster he knows he is. Even with the predator inside him always clawing to get out, with jungkook he feels like he has somewhat of a hold on himself. jungkook knows he's a monster, yet still in his eyes there's a glimmer of hope. Hope that maybe taehyung can change. And taehyung knows it's crazy, but something inside him enjoys having someone that has so much faith in him.

"Love? taehyung, are you saying you're in love with the human?"

yoongi's looking at him like he's speaking another language and it almost makes him regret even saying anything in the first place. Love is uncharted territory for him. An outlandish, precarious concept only the humans knew about. It's not something he understands, let alone know if he can feel.

"That's not-" taehyung sighs, frustrated. He pulls at his dark locks. "That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying don't you ever wonder what it would be like?"

"You know nothing good can ever come from loving a human, taehyung," yoongi warns. "You can't trust them, not even that one!"

The words sting, even if coming from someone he barely has any respect for anymore.

namjoon's looking at him like he's trying to reason with a hysterical child and it makes taehyung feel like running away and never come back. "He's right, taehyung. There's no way humans will ever accept what we are. You remember the stories from when we were children, of the vampires that were killed after being betrayed by the humans they thought they loved. I know you think you know him, but the moment he gains your trust he'll tell everyone and they'll hunt you down."

taehyung shakes his head, pushes past the other two to get to the exit. "You don't know that. You don't even know him," he says quietly. He's not sure if he's trying to convince them or himself at this point.

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