chapter 6

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the bell rings as taehyung walks through the doors of the shop, his hood off this, but dark sunglasses still hide his ruby eyes. jeongguk's coworker is quick to come to him with the deceivingly friendly smile of his. "welcome! can I help you find anything?"

taehyung scowls at him before looking down to his name tag. jin.

"no," he says before stepping aside him and walking straight towards jeongguk in the science fiction section.

the human is trying to reach a book on the top shelf as he raises up on his feet. taehyung lowers his lenses a bit to get a better look of him like a lion lurking, watching it's unsuspecting prey, getting ready to attack. jeongguk almost jumps out of his shoes when the taller reaches over him to grab the book. he sure scares easily. how fun.

"oh," the shorter exhales. "t-thank you. taehyung, right?"

jeongguk remembers his name. how nice. he's also blushing. even nicer. taehyung can hear the human's heart thumping fast in his chest. it's like music to the vampires ears. enchanting almost, like a siren's song to lure in sailors. he wonders if jeongguk usually reacts like this with others or if it's just because of him. he hopes it's the latter.

"what are you doing back so soon?"

taehyung looks down at him, tilting his head to the side. "why? do you not want me here?"

the shorter flushes. "no! I mean- I don't not want you here- I just didn't expect to see you again so soon. did you already finish the book?"

"no, just came back to pick something up for a friends." jeongguk is really too trusting for his own good. he hasn't even asked taehyung about the sunglasses. even though he had seen him wearing them both times at night.

"oh okay, did you need help finding it?"

taehyung nods, about to say something when the other's pesky coworker interrupts them. "ah jeongguk, think you could go into the back and bring out some more copies of 'animal farm'? some kids need it for school, but I'm helping out another costumer."

"oh uhm sure," jeongguk gives the vampire an apologetic smile. "sorry, let me go get those real quick and I'll help you. okay?"

taehyung forces a smile onto his face. "it's fine, don't worry about it. I'll just find it myself."

jin grins at jeongguk, placing his hand on his lower back and says thank you before turning back to smile at taehyung.

oh how taehyung loathes him. loathes him for putting his disgusting hands on his perfect little jeongguk. he needs to get his hands on the human soon. or else he'll go crazy, he thinks. he needs to touch him, to taste him.

tonight. tonight will be the night.


coming home to an empty and quiet house might be calming to some people, but for jungkook it is unnerving and lonesome. maybe he should get a roommate. he always thinks about how lucky hoseok and jimin are to have each other, to always have someone to go home to. someone to feel safe with.

his home is supposed to be his safe place and so far, it is. but it doesn't feel entirely safe to him. not anymore. it's probably because the deaths around town still haven't ceased. the body count is still rising and the police still haven't found any suspects. what if he's next?

stop, jeongguk, stop thinking that. he thinks he might be going mad. he feels like he's getting less and less sleep with every day that passes. the paranoia never lets him rest. every night when he finally convinced himself that he's just being irrational and that no one is in his house and finally goes to sleep, he'd get these nightmares. strangely vivid nightmares of someone breaking into his house and violently killing him. well he's always wake up before the killer actually did anything to him, but he'd still wake up in a cold sweat, panicked and scared.

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