chapter 27

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jennie's cold, lifeless body stays on the kitchen island for the entire day instead of being engulfed in flames somewhere in the woods like taehyung presumed it would be when namjoon had said he'd take care of the it.

"Why's she still here?"

namjoon carefully examines the corpse, his arms crossed and brows furrowed in concentration. "I wanted to take a closer look at her, try to find some information. Did you guys notice she has no other injuries anywhere on her body?"

"So? What's that supposed to mean?" yoongi asks, throwing another empty blood bag on the floor. It's his second one of the day even though namjoon said he was only allowed one. taehyung rolls his eyes. He's definitely going to get an earful from namjoon later.

"It's like she didn't even put a fight, like she just let the hunter come at her head on. Isn't that strange?"

taehyung nods, "I noticed that. I thought it was weird too. How could've the hunter caught her off guard like that?"

None of it makes sense. There's no way a hunter, a human, would be able to sneak up on a vampire close enough to get such a clean shot. Any vampire would've at least tried to fight back, at the very least try to run away. And if that were the case, the hunter should've had to retaliate somehow that would've left wounds, yet there are none. No bullet wounds, no gashes from knives, no arrows. Nothing.

"What if it's somehow she knew?" yoongi wonders out loud. "Why is she working there anywhere? What vampire would willingly volunteer to be around humans all day?"

"I don't know. She must've been living in town for a while, maybe she wanted a job to blend in with everyone. The thing we have to worry about is if she was alone or not."

"What do you mean?"

namjoon takes a seat on a chair and massage his temples, sighing. "I mean, how many other vampires are in town? Or what if she was living with a human too? That would explain why she's been able to stay here without raising suspicion."

This is uncharted territory for them. They've never stayed long enough in one place to run into another group of their own kind before until now. He doesn't know how things will turn out, but he can't imagine the other vampires will be too excited about them on their claimed territory.

"So what? Who cares if there are other vampires?" the eldest vampire scoffs.

"You think they'll be happy that we came into their town where they've made permanent residence and brought them onto the hunter's radar? If there's more of them out there, they're probably pissed some of their own were killed because we disturbed the peace. We already have the hunter to worry about, I don't want an unnecessary war happening. I'm not dealing with that mess."

namjoon's tone leaves no room for debate. yoongi quickly realizes this too and admits defeat, sinking back into his chair with an annoyed roll of the eyes that says 'buzzkill'.

"I'll talk to jungkook and see if he knows anything about jennie," taehyung says. Not that he thinks the human will even know anything of importance. He's already on the verge of losing his mind now he knows his former employee was a vampire.

"Have you given any thought to what I said? We need to decide what we're going to do, you know that."

taehyung's stomach sinks. There's no answer where everyone's happy. "I don't know."

It isn't the response namjoon wants to hear. He huffs in frustration and storms out the door, slamming it behind him. yoongi glances back and forth between the younger vampire and the corpse on the table and pulls out a matchbox, saying, "So should we light this baby up or what?"

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