chapter 31

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jungkook falls fast asleep as soon as taehyung lays him down on the bed. In the morning when he awakens, his body is sluggish and heavy when trying to sit up and stretch out his stiff limbs.

"You're up." The person to blame for his exhaustion is standing in the doorway looking as if nothing is wrong.

jungkook checks his phone to see he's gotten multiple worried texts from hoseok, jimin, and even mingyu. He sighs, thinking about what he'll have to say to them. He can't help but feel a bit upset after what happened last night. taehyung knew how important that dinner was to him. They hadn't even been there for that long and jungkook barely got to speak to jimin.

Not only that, but what if they had gotten caught? It's already difficult enough that he has to hide such a big part of his life from his best friends, but the vampire didn't make it any easier last night. They already have the hunter to worry about; taehyung's life is already in danger as it is and yet the vampire still acted so recklessly last night. He's already so worried that taehyung can be killed any minute of any day now. How is he supposed to feel that he seems to be doing everything in his power to increase his chances of getting discovered?

"How are you feeling?" taehyung asks. "Still tired?"

jungkook hesitates to reply. "taehyung, why did you do that last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"you-you knew how much I wanted to spend time with my friends. I told you how important it was to me," he says quietly. "Why did you do that?"

The look of hurt on the vampire's face almost makes him regret saying anything. Almost.

"I don't know."

The silence that follows is suffocating. Neither of them are able to meet eyes, both keep their gazes fixed on the floor.

taehyung is first to speak up, sounding so defeated that it makes the human's heart sting. "Do you want me to leave now?"

He doesn't specify what he means, but jungkook knows. Leave. As in go away, for good. Out of his life, forever. It would be the best thing for both of them, jungkook thinks. It's exactly what namjoon had said. It would be better for everyone if this just all came to an end. The logical side of him is saying, yes. taehyung leaving his life would make everything so much easier for them both. taehyung could go away with his brothers, away from the hunter so their lives are no longer in danger. And jungkook can go back to living his normal life with his dear friends whom he's missed so much. It makes so much sense. But then why can't he bring himself to say yes now that the vampire is literally allowing him an easy way out?

"No," he finally answers. "I just wish you would talk to me more. I wish you would let me know what's going on. I never know what's happening or what you're thinking."

taehyung stays silent for another minute or so before letting out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry. I know shouldn't have acted out. I just couldn't help it. I hate that you're so nice to him, but I fucking hate that I can't control anything about myself even more."

He speaks of mingyu like he's venom on his tongue. jungkook doesn't entirely understand why when mingyu has never done anything malicious toward him.

"If I had never come into your life, would you have been with someone like him?"

It's a question jungkook was never expecting to hear. He's never even thought about it before this, being with mingyu, or someone like him. He's only ever been in one relationship his entire life and that was back in college, which did not end well. They were only together for a few months and he was jungkook's first everything. Not long after their first time he found out he had been cheating on him and he's been single ever since, not being to trust anyone after that. He's been alone for so long that he's never put too much thought into the future.

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