chapter 4

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his mouth opens wide to let out a scream, only he doesn't have time to when a large, cold hand slaps over his lips. jeongguk feels his blood run cold, his body paralyzed at the frightening realization that there was someone in his room after all.

"sshhh, wouldn't wanna be killed now, do you?" the man says. his ruby eyes are shining like two crystals and it terrifies jeongguk, but something about them almost compels him not to look away. "can't have you dying before we have some fun."

jeongguk stares up at the man with wide eyes, tears blurring his vision when he realized he was one of the customers he talked to earlier that night. was this the person who's been watching him for the past few weeks?

"you're gonna be a good boy and not scream when I let you go, right?" the intruded smiles at him menacingly. suddenly, he climbs onto the bed, the movement causes jeongguk to flinch in shock. he swings one of his legs over the shorter's body so that he's caging him in with his legs, not allowing him any room to move away.

jeongguk tenses at the close proximity. the man can strangle or stab him to death easily and he would have no way of fighting him off. his large stature towers over him and in that moment, jeongguk hopes this is just all a vivid nightmare.

he nods profusely in response to his question and begins gasping for breaths when he finally lets go. "y-you were a-at the shop," jeongguk says in a small whisper. he isn't sure if he's saying it to the man, or just confirming it for himself.

"ah, so you remember me!" as his attacker smiles widely, jeongguk's gaze shifted to the two abnormally sharp canine teeth poking at his bottom lip. he had seemed so nice, jeongguk thinks. his smile had seemed so friendly before, but now it makes his skin crawl and his stomach churn. his heart is thumping so loudly inside his chest he can barely hear his own thoughts.

"do you remember my name?" the intruders deep voice has a somewhat jovial tone to it, but the look in his glowing eyes tell jeongguk that the man's motives aren't as innocent as they seem. not that there could even ever be a justification for breaking and entering into someone's home in the middle of the night.

jeongguk's quivering lips open to reply, but nothing comes out. the man looks down at him with an amused expression as he runs his long fingers down the side of the shorter's face, then brushes over his bottom lip with his thumb. "y-yoongi," jeongguk finally manages to get out despite his petrified state.

yoongi him in satisfaction, gently runs his fingers down the side of the shorter's neck as if to reward him for getting his name right. "my little jeonggukie is so cute," he hums, rubbing small circles onto jeongguk's bare shoulder beneath his pajama top he had unbuttoned without him noticing.

the grin on yoongi's face is oddly disturbing. it appeared so friendly and if it were not in this situation right now and jeongguk didn't know any better, he would think that yoongi is a really nice guy. and he did think yoongi was a nice guy, back at the shop. the fact that the taller had broken into his house and was on his bed speaking about killing him in such a casual fashion with that smile on his face makes jeongguk feel sick to his stomach.

he doesn't realize he was silently crying until yoongi wipes away his tears with his thumbs, cooing at him like a mother trying to pacify her baby. "why is my little jeonggukie crying, hmm?"

"w-what are you going to do to m-me?" the shorter chokes out between sobs.

"has anyone ever told you that you're pretty when you cry?" yoongi asks, completely ignoring the other's question. "I would tell you to stop, but I rather enjoy the sight."

jeongguk's shoulders shake as he quietly sobs, only stopping when the taller leans down to lick his wet cheeks. his heartbeat quickens almost impossibly fast when yoongi's hand roughly grips his jaw, forcing him to look into his eyes. I'm going to die, jeongguk thinks.

"you know, that look on your face right now makes me wanna break you," yoongi says in a low voice. "do you have any idea how fucking good you look right now? I can see why he likes you so much."

he? jeongguk has no idea who he's talking about. he doesn't have much time to dwell on the thought because suddenly yoongi's lips are on his. his hands fly up in a pathetic attempt to push him away as he whimpers in protest. it's no use, yoongi doesn't budge whatsoever.

yoongi's sharp teeth grades against his bottom lip, causing him to open up and allow his tongue to slide in. jeongguk's eyes widen when he feels a pill-like object slip into his mouth. he repeatedly throws weak punches at his attacker's shoulders trying to get him off so he can spit it out.

yoongi does not let up, only palming the back of jeongguk's neck to pull him closer as he attacks his lips. jeongguk eventually swallows the pill against his will and his attacker finally pulls away with a smirk as jeongguk gasps desperately for air.

"I had fun tonight, jeonggukie. we could've had even more fun, but I promised him I wouldn't do anything to you," he tsks. "such a shame."

before jeongguk has a chance to ask who he's talking about, a tall man with brown hair barges in through the door. he has a terrifying scowl on his face and before jeongguk realizes what's happening, the man grabs onto yoongi's hoodie and tears him off, throwing him roughly onto the floor with a loud growl that makes jeongguk cower back into his bed.

jeongguk quickly tried to catch a glimpse of the man's face, but his vision suddenly goes hazy and all he can make out are the two glowing red eyes before everything goes black.

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