chapter 39

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When jimin goes back to the coffee shop, he attempts to drag a very reluctant taehyung back with him, saying how he needs to give jungkook his space or else he'll break up with him for being too clingy. jungkook assures him that this is not the case, but tells taehyung it's not a bad idea for him to spend time elsewhere besides the book shop all day.

"Do you not want me here?" taehyung asks, looking like a kicked puppy.

jungkook shakes his head, sighing. "You know that's not it. I just don't want anyone to start asking questions about you since you're always here. mingyu already asked me what you do since you're always with me. We already don't know who the hunter is. what if they're someone who comes here often and notices you're always here? I told mingyu you're a freelance writer, by the way."

jungkook hadn't even thought about the risk of taehyung coming here so often until now. If the hunter is in fact someone who frequents the bookstore as he previously suspected, isn't it dangerous for taehyung to be coming so often? If jennie, a vampire who had been able to live a "normal" life here, was able to be caught, it would be even easier for taehyung to be found out since his personality doesn't exactly scream human.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here all the time. If the hunter was able to find jennie, won't they be able to find you too?"

"If they found me they would've killed me by now."

taehyung is stubborn to a fault and jungkook is worried it will get him in some serious trouble one day. He's reactive rather than proactive, which is horrible when it comes to matters that could be the difference between life or death. It seems like jungkook is more afraid of the hunter than taehyung is. Waiting around for the hunter to finally find him rather than being cautious sounds like the perfect way to get killed if you ask him. taehyung can't save himself nor jungkook if he's already dead. He just wishes taehyung would understand that.

"I'm not gonna wait for the hunter to kill you, taehyung. Plus, you're not getting any sleep since you're here during the day. I can tell you're tired. Just go home and get some rest after you're done with jimin, please?"

The vampire still doesn't sleep at night even though he doesn't get any sleep during the day either. Not even last night after they had sex. taehyung just helped him clean up and then sat on the floor beside his bed until jungkook fell asleep. He wishes taehyung had stayed in bed with him. He also wishes he had the courage to ask him to.

"How am I supposed to know if you're in trouble or not?" taehyung frowns.

It would probably be in his better interest to keep taehyung around because the moment namjoon and yoongi find out he didn't keep his word they will definitely be coming for him. But if he tells taehyung that now there's no way he'll leave him alone and it's not safe for him to be here. And now he's debating whether or not he should tell him at all. Yes, he should be honest if he expects taehyung to be honest with him, but it'll just add to the vampire's stress, wouldn't it?

"You can't be there every second of the day just waiting for me to be in danger, taehyung. I can take care of myself."

The vampire looks very unconvinced of this, so jungkook continues. "To some extent," he sighs. "And if something happens I'll call you at home, on the landline."

Reluctantly, the vampire agrees to leave with jimin. jungkook has no idea what jimin even wants with taehyung, but it would do the vampire some good to spend time with other humans, getting used to being around them and interacting with them. If taehyung does intend to stay here long term he should probably learn some normal human social skills.

He stops taehyung before he steps out of the store and pulls him close to whisper in his ear, "I know you think human food tastes gross, but if jimin offers you a drink or something, maybe you should just have a little? Just so you don't look weird."

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