chapter 29

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jimin and hoseok have been living in the same shitty apartment building for about eight years since freshman year of college. There's always talk of finally buying a house, none of it ever actually getting anywhere. They had used up most of their savings on revamping the coffee shop after taking it over from hoseok's uncle who decided he was too old to be running it. jungkook used to try to convince them to buy a home near his, so he wouldn't be so alone and secluded. Now he thinks it's for the best with taehyung living with him and all.

"Everything will be fine, right?" he asks when they step inside the lobby of the building.

taehyung nods, but the tense expression on his face tells another story. jungkook thinks he might throw up in the elevator on the ride up to the fifth floor. He recalls the time the elevator was out of service and they had to walk up and down the seemingly never ending flights of stairs. They really need to move out of this place.

The first thing they're greeted with when the door opens is an already quite buzzed jimin pulling them both in for a hug. "There you are, lovebirds! We've been waiting for you guys to show up."

taehyung looks extremely uncomfortable as he slowly moves away from the human. jungkook laughs awkwardly to lighten the mood, "Is everyone else already here?" And by 'everyone else' he means mingyu.

"Nope, mingyu isn't here yet. He said he had to deal with some stuff at the school with the principal or something, he'll be here soon."

The sharp look on the vampire's face makes jungkook regret ever agreeing to come here. He laces their fingers together and smiles at his feet when taehyung gives his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Oh come on, taehyung. Don't look so grumpy. I know mingyu and kook had that whole date thing, but don't worry, mingyu's harmless. You have nothing to worry about," jimin chortles, slapping taehyung's arm. "Oh! seungwoo in the kitchen, come on. I think you'll like him. He's quiet and sucks at games too."

"He'd kill you if he knew you said that, you know," jungkook says.

jimin is right about one thing; seungwoo is quiet. Has been ever since they first met each other the day hoseok hired him at the coffee shop. Not as quiet as taehyung, but seungwoo isn't really a people person either. It had taken jungkook almost an entire year to get him to talk like a normal friend would. Even then, they don't spend much quality time together, only ever speaking when jungkook goes to visit the shop or at a social gathering they're both invited to like this one.

seungwoo and taehyung get along well enough. seungwoo doesn't have many questions for taehyung besides the usual, where's he from, what does he do for a living, how did he meet jungkook. All of which taehyung lies about, of course. He said that they met at the bookstore, which is not a complete lie. They did meet there; the vampire just happen to leave out all the stalking and breaking and entering. taehyung has absolutely no questions for seungwoo, not even courtesy ones one would normally ask in return. Not that seungwoo seems to mind whatsoever. He's never been one to talk about himself.

"It's rare to see people move here," seungwoo comments. "This place isn't exactly a tourist attraction. Especially with all the- you know."

"Yeah I heard the motel's barely holding on. Out of towners are too scared to come anywhere near this place now. At least before all this shit we were seen as quaint and charming. Now it's just where people come to die."

jungkook grimaces. "Don't say that, that makes it sound so morbid."

It feels so wrong talking about all of this with his friends and taehyung in the same room. He's hiding such a big secret from them. The fact that one of the people responsible for some of those murders is sitting right next to him. How would they feel if they ever find out? Would he ever be able to tell them what's really going on in this messed up life of his? Even with the smell of seungwoo's delicious spaghetti invading his senses, jungkook quickly loses any desire to eat.

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