chapter 19

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taehyung's been acting strange ever since last night when he came home late instead of meeting him after work to walk home together like they usually do. jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed when the vampire was nowhere to be seen after he locked up the store.

Now he's just quiet, not that taehyung was ever the talkative type. Usually he'd be watching him get ready for work with a curious look in his eyes or something of the sort, but today he's staring off into the distance. He wonders what taehyung thinks about all the time considering he doesn't talk about his feelings or thoughts often.

He's got his bag slung across his body, ready to head off to the store. The taller's still just sitting on the couch staring at the unopened book in his hands and jungkook's not sure if he should say goodbye or not before leaving.

He stands there, hesitating before finally saying something. "Uhm, I'm gonna-"

The vampire's piercing eyes immediately look up toward him. "I wanna meet your friends," he says, interrupting the other.

jungkook's eyes widen. "What?"

"They wanna meet me, don't they?"

It's so incredibly strange to hear taehyung say that so casually. Never in his right mind would he ever think taehyung would ever want meet his friends. Not to the mention the fact that the vampire's threatened to kill them before. He figures he must have a very shocked expression on his face because the taller's scoffs and says, "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt them."

Why the sudden interest, jungkook wonders. He's not sure if he should actually ask or not, so he doesn't. Just to be safe. "Okay," he says in drawn out breath, still a bit confused. "When?"

The taller shrugs and looks back at his book, looking bored now. "Whenever."

"Oh and what about your uhm- your eyes?"

"I'll handle it."

He knows he should probably be used to the taehyung's cryptic ways by now, but he isn't. And he doesn't know if he ever will be. Can anyone ever get used to having a vampire around?

As he walks to work, he pulls out his phone to text hoseok and jimin the good news, well if he can call it that. He's still not sure how to feel about the whole situation. jimin quickly replies in the group chat with an enthusiastic "fuck yeah we wanna meet him fuckin finally!"

He insists they meet up tomorrow night for dinner, to which jungkook quickly declines. An awkward sit down dinner doesn't sound like something that will go too well with an irascible taehyung and a mouthy jimin. hoseok being the voice of reason, as always, suggests they go out and do something more fun instead. They decide on going to the one and only arcade in town they all used to go to when they were in high school.

Once jungkook finally makes it work, he finds jennie standing outside waiting for him. "jin was supposed to open today, but he never came. I've been waiting here for like twenty minutes," she says, irritation in her voice.

"Oh, that's weird. He didn't call me or anything."

jin would never miss work without letting him know. A second later, a sense of dread hits him. First the teacher from mingyu's school went missing and now... He snaps himself out of it before he can think the words. There's no way. He's still not even sure if vampires had anything to do with that teacher's disappearance. It's absurd for him to assume they had anything to do with jin. Right?

Right, he tells himself. The police still haven't even found any traces of her yet. When the vampires were still going around town and feeding, they were finding bodies everywhere; so it's a good sign that they haven't found one yet. He needs to stop jumping to conclusions. jin's probably just sick or dealing with some emergency and forgot to let him know. Yeah, that's it.

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