chapter 26

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The sound of screaming. The feeling of bones cracking in his grip. The sight of tears running down flushed cheeks. The dream replays in taehyung's mind on a never ending loop. Haunting him, mocking him. It should be a relief it was all in his head, but that's the frightening part. It's all in his head . It's all a cruel, sick joke. He can't stay away from the human, but when he's around him all he can think about is tearing into his throat. He recalls when jungkook was absolutely against the idea of going anywhere with him until he threatened to kill his friends. Does he still feel the same way? taehyung wants to think no, but something inside him tells him that jungkook wouldn't even consider leaving his home for him. It's the truth, but it feels like a slap in the face.

Despite all this, the vampire still finds himself walking along the dimly lit street to pick jungkook up from work. He passes that one park again. This time there's only a few teenagers sitting on the bench drinking out of can wrapped in paper bags. They should really be careful this late at night with the likes of yoongi lurking around town.

The neon open sign in the window of the bookstore is still aglow even though there isn't a soul inside. Not even the human he's looking for. His hand is on the handle of the front door when he hears a loud scream coming from the back. It takes him only a second to realize that it's jungkook and only another second to find the human hunched over in the back alley sobbing hysterically, arms wrapped around his stomach.

jungkook immediately flinches away in fright when the vampire puts a hand on his shoulder, only relaxing when he realizes who it is. "Hey," taehyung coaxes the crying boy into his arms. "Are you hurt?"

The human gaps for air in between sobs as he shakes his head. taehyung checks up and down his body anyway for any signs of damage. jungkook eventually points toward the dumpster with a shaky hand and the vampire freezes when he realizes what, or rather who, he's looking at. A young girl. A dead young girl, to be specific. This usually would not phase him considering he's seen his fair share of dead bodies. However, the thing that catches his attention is the wooden stake lodged in her chest.

"Police. W-We have to call-"

taehyung shakes his head. "No, we can't."

jungkook pulls away and looks up at him in disbelief. "W-What? We have to, taehyung! S-She's- "

The taller gently pulls him closer by the arms and speaks to him like he would with a hysterical child. "She was a vampire, jungkook. Do you understand we can't let anyone find out about this?"

jungkook's horrified expression morphs into one of confusion and shock. The strength leaves his body and the vampire has to slowly lower him onto the ground so he doesn't hurt himself. "W-What do you- What are you s-saying?"

"I'll explain later, just go inside and get your things. Hurry." He pulls the shorter up from the ground and gently nudges him toward the door. jungkook looks like a lost puppy, wide eyes panicking as he obeys the vampire and scurries inside without another word.

taehyung goes toward the girl's body and examines it. Eyes still wide open, lips slightly parted, fangs poking at her bottom lip. He bends down to further confirm what he already knows by carefully removing the contacts from her eyes to reveal the wine red irises. Upon further inspection, he notices there aren't any other injuries or wounds anywhere on her body. Just a clean and precise blow to the chest with the sharp stake.

"What a shame, she was cute," a voice behind him suddenly says.

He doesn't need to look up to know who it belongs to. "What are you doing here?"

Watching taehyung slowly extract the weapon from the girl's chest, yoongi leans against the wall and crosses his arms. "I heard your little human scream and didn't wanna miss out on the fun."

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